3 9

At least there's no mention of "one cup"...

phxbillcee 10 Aug 3
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They raped him.... tell us another one...

Paul4747 Level 8 Aug 4, 2021

exactly; makes no practical sense, right?
read literally, it is literally retarded iow


Sorry, but where is this from? Bible? What part?

Zoohome Level 8 Aug 4, 2021

OT the story of Lot or Noah,I forget which

@glennlab It's Lot, his wife is not in the picture as she was turned to a pillar of salt. He & his daughters are hiding in the hills after the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah.

@phxbillcee and seriously no offense meant ok, but you have no idea yet what that story is even about

@bbyrd009 Really? What part? The part where when the 'angels' visited Lot & the townsfolk wanted to "get to know them", Lot instead offered his daughters up for the mob to "do as they would"??? That part of the story? How many excuses will you make for this absolutely atrocious fairy tale of a book?

@phxbillcee sorry? none, absolutely none, and you should keep reading it like that, too, as far as im concerned, nevermind who the girls rep, and keep selectively replying to posts, etc too, if you like, for as long as you like, please tell me more even lol
have a nice day ok

@bbyrd009 apparently u can’t offer any explanation . U took the x to type few horseshit “ I am above the argument “ lines , but u have nothing to offer as an explanation . I have done the same when I was 7. Considering growing some communication skills .

@Pralina1 right?
ok, ty and have a nice evening

ps, just got done watching an "apparently kid" video on yt--weird lol

gee, i wonder what the diff in sheep and goats is...
(never tell white people the truth 🙂)

@Pralina1 I just got to read this thread. Wow. I don't think this user is here to have a straight answer... how do you call it, a troll? Or just a-hole?
Ignore it. 😊

@Pralina1, @phxbillcee @glennlab
Thanks guys. I have never actually read the bible. Sooooo, no clue where idioticy/racism/sexism/slavery/pedophilia/etc. Are located.


Sure, he was drunk

glennlab Level 10 Aug 3, 2021

"Plausible deniability"...

@phxbillcee I can just see it, Your grandkids look a lot like you,.. Well one night I got drunk. That's their story and they're sticking to it.

fwiw they got him so drunk that "he did not know when (she) came in, nor when she left" for both daughters--a big clue

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