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If the iPhone was a vaccine…

Killtheskyfairy 9 Oct 8
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bobwjr Level 10 Oct 8, 2021

Please don't expect the mental defectives to use their brains. I ask this of you because the poor darlings have no brains to begin with.

Example, see the entry below...


iPhone car transformer is better yet. A transformer that watching you 24/7, cooks , housework. Robot makes medicine and synthetic foods and injecting into your body. Than have sex with your transformer robot.
Gives vaxxers brain cum just thinking about it.

I think its called vaccines robot/zombies because 8 out of 10 wealthest men in world are in technology in bed top scammers like banksters , Government mafia and pharmaceutical control minimum wage from the neck downwards, they are your family, not mine.

Okay, what???


Throughout human history collective consciousness by 80% brings positive power to people. Very little change or more negative comes politics, religion and greedy wealthy in cycle abuse limited. Just Ignore them as much as possible and they will loose their power and our enslavement by centrolatizing systems for more for them and less for you and me.

@Castlepaloma 😐 Well, that clears that up.....


Wish most of the time it was that simple 😂

@Castlepaloma I was being sarcastic.


I know lol

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