4 6

These are fabulous!!!


SeaGreenEyez 9 Feb 6
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Number 2 seems to have been predicted in Tom Sharpe's 1971 Novel "Riotess Assembly".
In this book an over zealous Police commandant is convinced there is a terrorist cell operating in his city and so send undercover officers from various precincts to infiltrate the cell and sabotage it.
Unfortunately none of the officers can find the cell but do find each other and when they report back that there is a cell in the city but it is not actually doing anything, the Police commandant orders them to urge the rest of the gang to actually commit an atrocity so he can arrest them.
This of course leads to several police officers attacking the city in a plot so insane the Police commandant does not believe it is going to happen and that his moles have been discovered are being fed bogus info.
Until that is a flock of Ostriches are stolen from the city zoo, fitted with booby traps and begin exploding all over the city.


Who knew the Keystone Kops were in Detroit, not Pennsylvania?

mcgeo52 Level 8 Feb 7, 2022

@SeaGreenEyez, only everywhere? Sounds almost optimistic to me.



bobwjr Level 10 Feb 6, 2022

If I ever need a lawyer, I want the Rat's lawyer...🤣🤣🤣

Charlene Level 9 Feb 6, 2022
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