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Hard life...

Captnron59 9 Apr 24
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But, since I enjoy that, it's all good!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 24, 2018

When they say... oh you are so honest but you are too honest. What too honest for your dumb ass? Heard that a time or two.

Me & you both. Too honest & too kind lmfao.

@Nickbeee I do try to put a filter on when it comes to certain things but dammit, some people just ask for it. My ex bf got so buttbummed when I would speak my mind, then tell me that's why he fell for me.. talk about mixed messages.

@mistymoon77 Oh my days that is a bit confusing of him !!! Barking ...

I do try to soften things! I just don't comment if I think it's too much for someone and they genuinely aren't ready..

If something needs saying though and it has the potential to be harmful through misinformation or whatever I don't care who I am around it's coming out lol !!!

Long time dead 😉

Most people seem to talk about 'regretting the things they didn't say' or they didn't do.

Sometimes it can be painful. lol 🙂

@Nickbeee dammed if you do or don't. Some people are just never satisfied.

@mistymoon77 Spot on to be fair !!!!


Me too! Once you start it just gets exponential lol

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 24, 2018

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