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Just having a gun doesn't make you a criminal, using it wrongly does.

glennlab 10 Feb 20
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If having a gun makes you a criminal then having a gun is illegal.

Why are you overtly supporting the proliferation of weaponry with this meme?

I'm not. I'm objecting to cops shooting people because they have a legal weapon. Most of the ones shot and killed are not white, and the reason is they feared for their lives because


A customer in our store recently told me he carried a gun when he went to Dupo, IL because they were all liberal over there and you never knew when you might have to shoot one of them. My reply was that he would likely face severe consequences if he did shoot one of them. He agreed and changed the subject.

DenoPenno Level 9 Feb 20, 2022

I just want the right to own a hand phaser! 😉

I always thought the phaser rifles were pretty bad ass


Spiderman,"With great power comes great responsibility" too bad "guns right's activists" can't seem to get this.

Buttercup Level 8 Feb 20, 2022

They need to legislate insurance for guns based on caliber.
Just like a car, license and insure it.
Gun victims get their medical treatments from the insurance

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