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It's a good Wednesday, got a couple.

glennlab 10 Apr 13
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The toilet meme is actually my mom when visiting my house. I can barely sit and I hear her calling me. If she was a cat, I would see the paw under the door. 😂😂

Love every one of those memes. Thank you!!!

Zoohome Level 8 Apr 13, 2022

You're doing it all wrong!

jeshuey Level 8 Apr 13, 2022

Some oldies and some goodies…and per usual some tired sexist clichés.

I try, but I'll never be perfect.

@Killtheskyfairy Well shit .
I guess u must be perfect , and that’s an attribute to gender ?
Ok . I have been w men who pack like they moving in , and with men who don’t care more than a carry on .
My self , 90% of the time I pack more than a man if I travel with others . If I travel alone , it can go either way , bcz just like your ex, I am not packing shit where I can get from hotel / town there . But when I travel to Europe , I need my shit , and most of my male partners still pack lighter than me .
Point is , not every meme is out there to get and attack women , and yes , we are different than men in many routines , at least the men I dated did not used make up or hair curler , and there is no need to apologize , explain or been defending r flaws / achivemnts .
I pack whatever the f I need , and I don’t give a flying fuck who thinks it’s too much , and I do think the meme is hilarious for representing some of us .
I don’t see y I have to apologize or defend , and definetely y attacking men .

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