8 8

Yeah . I ll take it ♥️🙌♥️

Pralina1 9 July 21
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Wurd....I should have learned this much, much earlier in life.

Mitch07102 Level 8 July 22, 2022



Words I tried to live my life by. I first read them in the Tao TeChing.


Words of wisdom for sure!!! 🤗


Ain't that the fucking truth...

Charlene Level 9 July 22, 2022

You do it for yourself, your self respect, and for the ennobling of those around you. One of life's great purposes is to be an example to others.

racocn8 Level 9 July 22, 2022

I am truly successful at doing this. Since retirement I have made it my life! 😂

And enjoying every moment, I hope. 🙂

Ok , I hate u both ! 😂😂😂
Oh man , Envy 🙄🙄🙄🙄

@Pralina1 Don't hate, emulate. 🙂

@Pralina1 ost of my days are spent on the iPad with one or two dogs sleeping n or next to me. Pretty chill!.


I have that down pat.

glennlab Level 10 July 22, 2022

Practice makes perfect. 🙂


Yes, save that energy for when you might actually have to do something.

Sticks48 Level 9 July 22, 2022

And then do the minimum. 🙂

@Betty Exactly! If you strive for mediocrity there is much less pressure, then, when you do something special; everyone is impressed. If you constantly knock it out of the park you are expected to do so all of the time, and if you do, eventually, they will just take you for granted.

@Sticks48 I can't fault that. 🙂

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