Welcome to level 8....you need to choose a super power. Most of the good ones are taken but mind reading and clairvoyance are still available. For some reason athiests don't cotton to them.
Yeah sorry, you can't be super bitchy, I took that one!
Hey, I just feel special knowing I am with all you fucking crazy 8's! that's good enough for me. But I will take being invisible and mind reading for $100.
@mistymoon77 You will take a t-shirt & like it! LOL
@Johnsalterego well dam, I was going to bring in my "A" game to ya'll, I got secret powers
Are there special handshakes or goodie bags with this level I need to know about?
@mistymoon77 a T-shirt, lol. Oh! And great company!
@Livinlife oh yes.. totally agree. High five on that one!
@mistymoon77 There is a handshake, but Eric invented it & I wouldn't recommend it. It involves peanut butter!
I hangin with the big dogs now..
@mistymoon77 I'll be with you in another 4000 points or so. In the mean time, I hope you'll still talk to me... being one of the little people and all.
@Duke of course.. I am still with all the little people, being one myself. Be all be hangin for a loooonnnnggg time!
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