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Pulling from my archives.

GrooshStar 7 Jan 31
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Most important IMHO, IS Atheism is no a business. The job of “organized religion” is GET THE MONEY. And of course pay no taxes. Do you think those preaching really believe their BS?

Retired Level 6 Feb 1, 2023

What is most important is that atheism (and the Secular Humanism associated with it) aren't locked into a moral framework based on bigotry, paranoia, lying, absurd dogma and mass murder. Religionists ARE locked into their primitive, sometimes idiotic beliefs, and compelled to be loyal to attitudes embracing hatred and cruelty. That makes religionists moral degenerates, and we read about the consequences every day. It also makes religionists know-nothings and thus unfit to render judgment on almost everything.

racocn8 Level 9 Jan 31, 2023

Free to be, you & me...Mr Rogers, i think.......

AnneWimsey Level 9 Jan 31, 2023

"Isn't atheism just another religion?" is a question asked by the feeble-minded.

anglophone Level 9 Jan 31, 2023

In their minds you must believe in something because believe is usually what they do. 🙂

@ASTRALMAX Yes, a classic case of projection.


We don't meet the IRS test, we don't have a dogma and we don't meet regularly.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 31, 2023

Unless we are on this site. 😁

@Betty First test is still a dogma, meeting was redefined with the televangelist, but it still requires an in person setting. But good try.

@glennlab Since this site is accessed from around the world and not monetized, the IRS has nothing to go after.


LOVE those delicate bones~ Love the thoughts expressed, too!

pamagain Level 8 Jan 31, 2023
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