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When practicing the Devils craft (turn to the left)

Nickbeee 8 May 1
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And yet jebuz turned water into wine? And then teetotaled at the wedding?


Great promotions

zorialoki Level 8 May 1, 2018

Great way to turn that around, & slap the church at the same time! Brilliant!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 1, 2018

That is not what the Bible says. Jesus turned the water into wine. LMAO.


Why did Jesus turn water into wine?

LEPeff Level 8 May 1, 2018

Not sure, would have thought moonshine would be good.

@Nickbeee Oh they make some good moonshine down south. 180 proof. I lived near Roanoke VA for 15 years. A friend's dad made shine when my friend was a kid. He said they put pink and blue bows on each quart. One color meant it was for their own because it was best. They gave me a dish of peaches that were shine. I did not know it though. I got up and fell on the floor! Smooth, that stuff is so good and it goes down so nice.

I am not sure, but they had wine at the last supper. That is what they take for communion in some churches once a month. Wine symbolizes the spirit of Jesus and bread his body I think. Way to many years and decades ago.Kind of a cannibalistic ceremony if you think about it.

@BettyColeman the last supper was also a Passover Seder. Wine is always a part of a Passover Seder.

@LEPeff Is Passover when they marked the doors with 1st born sons and the Jewish people were warned, but the King or Caesar, I don't remember the name lost his first born son.I just don't remember?

@BettyColeman the final plague was the deaths of the first born, the Hebrews, they actually were not Jews yet, marked their door posts with lambs blood so that the angel of death would pass them over. The Pharo's first born died.


Jesus christ! Pass me the bong.

Haha totally !!!!

i'm with you.


That's freakin' hilarious!!!

So that whole "turning the water into wine" at the Wedding at Cana, was just more biblical
bullshit, huh? "Grape juice"??? LOLOLOL!!
Good on the brewery!

KKGator Level 9 May 1, 2018

Really good!!!!


Love it

Pretty awesome!!!

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