4 18

Older adults too, some of us never plan on growing old.

glennlab 10 Apr 2
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We lived on Chincoteague Island when I was a child. (It was a Naval Air Station then.) It had all of the above treasures (animals, creeks, solitude and freedom.) I'd go out in the morning and come back when I was hungry. No wonder I grew up to be an animal activist. 🙂

pamagain Level 8 Apr 3, 2024

Bcz of people like me , kids don't do any of that 😂
Looking at this Glenn and i already know if i take my bp will be high😂
I already see drawing children , hurt , i see open heads if the fall and hit head on the way down, man , i am already pissed off bcz i don't see any adult near by, etc , etc . Helicopter has nothing on me 🙄

Pralina1 Level 9 Apr 3, 2024

Hugs. Kids do dumb things and it can make us stronger, more resilant and smarter. Yeah, sometimes dead. I grew up in the 1950s and 1960s in the newly developing suburbs in NJ. We had dirt piles 6 feet tall behind our house as new land was cleared for more houses. There were ponds, a river I sat by instead of sitting in church, and bike rides to hunt down the ice cream truck instead of being on time for dinner. I learned independence and how to look out for myself and did not always run to my parents to solve things. Besides my mom had her network of neighbor spies, bitch always seemed to know what we were up to - LOL.
And there was always the tetnaus shot for the rusty nail scrape.

@silverotter11 The "Mom Network" was quite impressive. I truly think it was what kept us kids honest and out of most trouble. We feared our mothers more than anything.


I loved going outside and exploring when I was a kid and doing all that is mentioned on this meme!


The freedom I had as a child would never be tolerated today.

Betty Level 8 Apr 2, 2024
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