We're probably getting to that 'turning brown' phase about now!
Go to jail or prison. That's where most people find him.
Or, mental institutions!
How much is the reward?
Do you think it really matters?
@phxbillcee well, I was king of getting a friend of mine ( male who spent quite a bit of time in UAE) to grow hair and a beard so we could get the reward. It's not like we can find an imaginary person, so why not do this instead.
@Mofferatu & this is a FRIEND of yours? You do know what they supposedly did to the supposed original, right??? LOL
@phxbillcee Haha. As as I get the reward. That's all that matters. Also, if JC could rise on the third day, I'm sure my friend will be able to pull it off lol.
@Mofferatu & then we'd start a whole new cycle of shit! No, thanks!
@phxbillcee Damn it. So, I don't get to collect on the reward
Hmm how much longer must we wait...
I'd say, forever!
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