9 8

This may be interesting! I'll start, freshly sharpened pencils! Hey, don't judge me!

phxbillcee 10 May 11
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zorialoki Level 8 May 12, 2018

Inside of dog ears

zorialoki Level 8 May 12, 2018
Emme Level 7 May 11, 2018

Bet you would!

You asked ??

@Emme Well, I am something odd!

Which is why we get along so well, my dear.??


Alfalfa.. old barns with straw, swampy lakes.

A lot of salt marsh in the back bays here by the ocean. That’s an aquired aroma. I love it.


Cat fur.....

RavenCT Level 9 May 11, 2018

94 octane ?

Markus Level 7 May 11, 2018

A number of the answers on FB were gasoline! I really like it, but only for a very short time, then my mind/nose sort of zones it out.


What's odd to one person might be completely normal to someone else hehe

Mofferatu Level 7 May 11, 2018

Didn't answer the question...

@phxbillcee Haha. I was just waiting to see how many others found the smell of rotting corpses heavenly before I posted. Didn't want to seem weird. lol

(I was trying to think of the most disgusting thing I could think of and that's what came to my mind lol)

@Mofferatu Had a blooming cactus that reportedly smelled like that. It went outside when it bloomed.

I was waiting for you to say dog farts lol?


Somebody say me!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 11, 2018

Anybody? .... Anyone ...? Seriously, just ... anyone ...?


A guys armpits at the end of the day?

Emme Level 7 May 11, 2018


Tastes like it smells?!?

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