From my article, The ABC's of Redneck Culture []
Shall I report this?
Naaaahhhhhhh. =0}
Why start now?
Never reported any one.
Bad taste & cringe humor has a place in my world. The 1st Amendment protects it, & I protect the 1st Amendment by using it.
There is a propensity to report anything disturbing but non threatening as PC gets out of hand.
Fear not. I was joking.
Battered men are a more scarce delicacy. Preferring mine crispy with a warm stout.
Well, I'm just keying off the Group description "A place to post memes. Bad taste is encouraged, but not mandatory. "
@GuyKeith Give it hell, bro! You are not even close to the line we tread!
This is what I like about this group. In Facebook or Quora the moderation is heavy-handed and inconsistent. All it takes is one person to complain and FB with remove your post or put you in the penalty box for 2 weeks. I was suspended for a month for merely quoting a movie line from the movie Roadhouse. I've been treading softly in here, but I may have to step up my game. Comfortable and Furious. Hiking in Colorado ( I don't know that cut off my head)
That's yours, bro! Oh, well done and funny as hell!!! Post that sucker! I recommend either "Politics..." or "Silly,..." but wherever you decide to go for it, it needs a wider audience!
Thanks. Yes, I wrote that and several others including The ABC's of Global Warming, Gun Culture in America, Rape: Bill Cosby Edition, Traveling: The Joys of Flying, Christmas, Evangelical Christians and others. Here is the link to the ABCs []
Sacrilege, BBQd is good??
Yes, but it is difficult to BBQ a bearded clam.
@Emme See, there you go, giving a false impression of us atheists again! I'll have you know that I like my babies a little older to get a little flesh & baby fat on those bones! Granted, with a fetus the bones are so soft you can consume them like soft-shelled crabs, but just no real meat, & not near as good to Bar-B-Que!
You have to have a bucket full like at a crab shack...
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Posted by backtobasicsI will not be shopping this Thursday or Friday.
Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.