6 15

I seem to have overlooked this particular verse, but I think we all can agree on it.

Jeden0003 4 May 18
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I just can't decide if the 24:7 is a reference to the days and times in which tacos are offered or the ratio of tacos to salsa.

ejbman Level 7 May 19, 2018

I think it's a reference to the appropriate timeframe during which to eat tacos, which is 24/7.


Ah yes. The Book of Salsa and Cilantro (as it is more properly called). Excavated from a tomb under a precolumbian tomato patch.





phxbillcee Level 10 May 18, 2018

Now that's a house where I want to visit

Rudy1962 Level 9 May 18, 2018

Party at your house 24:7?

Emme Level 7 May 18, 2018

I was thinking "Taco Tuesday?".

Sure, but it's Friday now.?

@Emme Whispers "Movie Night"

Yes, it might have to be a Zatoichi binge night.

@Emme We're showing "Dogma" over in the movie viewing group tonight...... lol

Haven't seen that in years! Loved it too❣

@Emme Well come over!

I'm thinking about it. How are you watching it?

@Emme We found a link that will allow us to live stream. Figure near 9 pm EST we'll start pulling people into the room (With the link). It plays for everyone at the same time.
We will be having breaks for snacks etc....
It is all very legal.

9 EST is soon isn't it?
How do I join? I can try to do it.

@Emme then they're fracos?

Sounds kinda raucus!?LOL

@Emme [] Just join. Come to chat by 9 pm at latest..... We'll be linking from chat to the viewing room.. (two tabs open one for that - one for movie).

Ok. I'll try to make it.

@Emme haha! Well it is Friday!

Shit, I missed it. Got a call at the last minute. Darn!?

@Emme next time!

Yeah, it sounds like a nice time.

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