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Oh .......

Nickbeee 8 May 18
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The last British marriage I was interested in was the wedding of River Song. .

LEPeff Level 8 May 19, 2018

Yeh deffo more interesting !! Though marriage kinda makes me a little queasy if I am honest lol 😉 !! 🙂

@Nickbeee smart man!


That old biddy would love me!

Livinlife Level 9 May 18, 2018

Throw her in the Sea lol !!!!

@Nickbeee lol, the sharks would flee!


LMAO! I really wouldn't doubt it!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 18, 2018

Me neither!! 🙂 She is cold lol.

True, very true. That’s one thing we Colonials did right, dump the monarchy?

@Markus I am totally jealous on this point lol !! 🙂 for really ..

Swngs and roundabouts isn't t but they are one massive parasitic mess and justify & support all the other parasites through patronage! fuckers lol 🙂


Loved it, she's so gangsta!?LOL

Emme Level 7 May 18, 2018

The car accident thing did not work out so well.

LEPeff Level 8 May 18, 2018

Oh....... dark! Lol


Whatever else transpired, I'll bet he feels resentful about having his family awkwardness published in the world news.

Aww diddums haha .. The family who orchestrated the troubles in Northern Ireland / Wales / and took Scotland off the Scotts and won't give it back?.. Depending on which side of the UK you are born these lot are just parasitic robber barons who will do anything to hang onto power.

Glasgow for example cancelled it's last "only" public Royal Wedding party due to lack of interest lol.. Same happened this time too.



The most unconvincing argument ever for trying to sympathise for someone who's Mum (for one example) Owns the Land Rights to the whole of Canada. Canada is just rented off the queen like a lot of the UK "Commonwealth" .. It does not belong to Canada legally lol.

Recently in order to conduct the royal wedding there have been requests to remove the homeless (poor) who reside there off the streets to other area's. They should have paid for a dinner for them really !! 🙂

Doubt he feels any resentment .. My dad was On their protection service. HE threw his medals in the River Thames once he found out how many peadophiles they endorse 😉

Instead of addressing internal corruption they use it for their ends really. Super complex.. Most people in the Uk want them gone.

@Nickbeee yes, I am familiar with the excesses of the royal family, and more generally the history of the UK/Empire/Commonwealth.
I was just speculating that Thomas Markle doesn't appreciate having his personal life in the news. I know I wouldn't.


Ah so British! Wedding is tomorrow right?

What time do they get married there?

RavenCT Level 9 May 18, 2018

Not a clue !! I just hope all the people watching it stay indoors and leave me in peace!!!! 🙂

@Nickbeee You mean you're not going out there to get a historic barf bag for me? I'm so disappointed.

Also I watched Princess Diana get married with my Dad - so this holds a bit of meaning for me. He got me up at some terrible hour and we waited and waited together. Loads of fun actually. 😉 He also used to get us kids up for meteor showers!

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