5 18

It's almost 4:20 here, so....

Johnsalterego 8 May 20
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CO is not the only state to do this now! & the same with mile marker 69!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 20, 2018

I'm naive when it comes to drugs -- what is the deal with 420?

It was in the 70's when four guys from California would go smoke pot when school got out at 4:20 in the afternoon. So the code word was 420 when they had some pot. They are still doing it today.

@Eirteacher LOL 🙂

@Eirteacher I thought it was supposedly a police code for marijuana.


I’d like to steel that one🙂

@Johnsalterego the sign, I like to start smoking a little early🙂

2 always left out.?

Emme Level 7 May 20, 2018

Y'all 420s make me feel lonely.?

I'm allergic to weed

Yup, so whenever there's a 420 post, i say I want a salad...of fresh leaves.?

@Emme don't feel bad I have asthma. I can't smoke it either

Fresh leaves in an omelet, though...daayum!?

@Emme I may try that.

It's so good that way, kinda basily.

@Emme How do other edibles affect you?

I can eat em, but i like the flavor of fresh.

@Emme Oh, I agree, I never let my infant carcasses spoil!

They burst in your mouth at just the right moment!??


Well I hope they also moved the sign a hundredth of a mile

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