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Sexy is as sexy does

zorialoki 8 May 27
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Ahh the best thing about shaving

Why shave any season?


Another group of men deciding what women should do with their bodies

I really detest that, unfortunately peer pressure and the media are just as guilty


Whatever floats your boat, for me hairy armpits is a no no

Westy_lad Level 4 May 27, 2018

Good for you! No one should bow to peer pressure. If you want to shave your armpits, more power to you!


To each their own.

KKGator Level 9 May 27, 2018

I read more and more articles how it is coming back into fashion. I never saw a reason for women to think they needed to look like prepubescent Barbies.

@zorialoki Fashion has no rhyme nor reason. Society is mainly comprised of mindless sheep, who will follow whatever trend they're told is "popular".

@KKGator True, but I believe that women going back to a more au naturel state is a fight against the establish norm set by fashion and society. I dated and have been around women that didn't shave and it is amazing the looks and comments people give- it is disgusting to me. They are beautiful women that choose not to play the game. I find it rather empowering for them to show their strength to buck the system in their own way.

@zorialoki I completely agree with that assessment.


Sometimes I shave and sometimes I don't.

SonderOpia Level 8 May 27, 2018
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