4 11

Let me guess. Close to Area 51?

Livinlife 9 May 30
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Haha those sex dolls can be customized to please any fetish, huh?

mek7730 Level 7 May 31, 2018


@Livinlife for instance, yeah


That, thing, has no genitalia... Just a scientific probe. A very cold, scientific probe. You can tell that guy just found this out the hard way.

MrLink Level 8 May 30, 2018

The following over thinking has been brought to you by someone who can't find any satisfying sci-fi tonight...

I wonder how the aliens can have such thin necks and big heads. Like, mechanically. A big head needs big muscles to stabilize it. I assume it has a spine, or some other anatomical structure that provides strength under compression. That would have to take up most the available neck volume. So what holds the alien's head up? Maybe it is a super rigid spine structure that is well anchored at into the skull, and the upper back. That would mean that they would not be able to move their heads independently of there upper body. Maybe that it cool. Maybe their ancestors never needed that, because they could sense danger psychically...


awww he found himself a cuddle buddy.

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