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LINK Texas is about to allow residents to carry handguns without a license or training

The devolution of America carries on. They have lax gun laws already, now? They'll have none. #smh

SeaGreenEyez 9 May 6
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Just about as bad one way or the other. How about some sanity and parents teaching their kids not to bully others and the schools step in and stop the bullies instead of ignoring those situations.

Oldman51 Level 7 May 6, 2021

Why should anybody be surprised?!


So glad I left that hell hole called Texass! I will be there for Mother’s Day as my son sent me a ticket to fly in on Saturday. I will be there two weeks, and am quite sure I will be ready to go when the two weeks is up! 😉


People should seek training but constitutional carry is a good thing in my opinion.

Tejas Level 8 May 6, 2021

@SeaGreenEyez driving is a privilege, and the other things specified are business related. Firearm ownership is a right.

@SeaGreenEyez "sane gun laws" are subjective, people have been arguing what is sane and not sane about them for decades.

@SeaGreenEyez alot of people in these gun friendly states do indeed want lax gun laws. Gun owners are a large chunk of the population. What they did in Australia is not sane in my opinion.

@SeaGreenEyez first self defense is a good reason to own a firearm. Background checks are mandatory, except for private sales. Second AR type weapons vary as much as any other weapon. There are AR type weapons that shoot multiple calibers including AR styled shotguns carbines and handguns. So "banning ARs" is a blanket statement used by people who know little to nothing about firearms.

@Tejas , AR is still short for assault rifle isn't it? That's enough to ban the damned things right there. imo What are you going to be assaulting? A rabbit? Deer? I live in gun country.
I own several weapons. I can shoot. But AR is not one of them.

@Tejas , muskets were a right. The framers of the constitution could have never foreseen automatic weapons.

@freeofgod most people don't own automatic weapons, in fact hardly anyone does. AR was first called ArmaLite Rifle named after the company who developed the style. Only misinformed or willfully ignorant people say assault rifle. Muskets were indeed the current military issue when the bill of rights was written. The amendment is there as a standard for people to have the right to reasonably arm themselves against a tyrannical government. Do you think its a stretch of the imagination to forsee technology advancing? Your argument is poor at best.

@SeaGreenEyez [] [] even say there are 60000 to 2.5 million gun self defense cases a year []

@SeaGreenEyez you are gun illiterate and react to guns with emotion rather than than with objectivity. If you care about gun violence so much why not go after the real problem. Mental illness..... civilian owned ar15s are not typicly automatic. And not a single mass shooter has used an automatic weapon either.

@SeaGreenEyez t
Last time I looked there are about thirty thousand automatic weapons in the US. Typicly owned by collectors or companies that rent to movie studios.

@Tejas not a single mass shooter used an automatic weapon? Really?

@Appleriver your link said they are semi automatic

@Tejas it can shoot over 400 rounds per minute and almost double that with a bump fire stock. Calling it semi-automatic is just semantics. Like an automatic it is capable of murdering multiple people within minutes. They were once banned and should be banned again. No one needs that kind weapon.

@Appleriver semi auto means as fast as you can pull the trigger. Maybe a robot could shoot 400 rounds a minute. Rpm is a stat for automatic Weapons not semi auto

@Appleriver []

@Tejas "The AR was designed for speedy reloading in combat situations, and it can fire dozens of rounds in seconds. The butt of the rifle, or the stock, has a large internal spring that absorbs the shock of each firing. The low recoil makes it easier to shoot and is more accurate than earlier military weapons. It can also be easily customized by adding scopes, lasers and more."
excerpt from this link

@Tejas Yes I know what auto means. A machine gun would be considered auto, but the semi is capable of mass killings as well. Like I said, auto, semi-auto, it's just semantics.

@Appleriver so your issue is with most modern semi auto rifles? And magazine capacity i assume? How about the round it fires, its diameter is about the same as a 22. Caliber and its designed to tumble to cause more damage. Why make a big fuss about just the AR platform, when your issue is with most modern semi auto rifles?

@Tejas because no one outside of the military needs that kind of weapon, because it's been used in multiple mass shootings causing multiple deaths. They need to be banned again.

@Appleriver banning things doesn't stop their use. Bombs are banned yet people use them drugs are banned yet people use them. Mass shooters don't use military issue weapons. Literally hasn't happened once. Hand guns can be semi auto want to ban those too?

@Tejas the ban on those weapons from 1994-2004 did indeed work. AR 15's and AK 47 were used by mass shooters, Why on earth would civilians need AR 15's, AK 47's or military weapons unless they are in the military? I have no problem with people owing a hand gun for self defense, or a regular rifle for hunting. They were banned once and need to be banned again. Who needs to open carry and parade around town with these weapons slung across their shoulder?

@Appleriver no mass shooter has used an automatic rifle which is standard military issue. Maybe you should understand things you want banned before spewing ignorance.

@Tejas I am talking about banning AR 15's and AK 47's in my last several replies. I'm sorry you missed it. They HAVE been used in mass shootings. I acknowledged a few posts ago they were semi automatic. Thank you so much for being "mature" and not resorting to name calling.

"How the AK-47 and AR-15 Evolved Into Rifles of Choice for Mass Shootings"

@Appleriver were going in circles at this point. If I had more patience and you had more knowledge of firearms maybe we'd get somewhere. You have a lovely night

@Tejas you're right, we are going around in circles. I provided multiple links and did research. Appears I am the one out of patience here, perhaps if you had more knowledge of mass shootings we'd get somewhere. You have a great day, Ciao


Oh, goody.


KY started that crap last year. smh

freeofgod Level 8 May 6, 2021

In Kansas they passed a law to allow felons to open and conceal carry, Our Governor vetoed it, but they overrode her veto. I absolute;y hate living in a Red state.

. . . kinda disingenuous to not mention that the law specifies nonperson' felons :


@FearlessFly Call me crazy, but I prefer felons didn't own guns at all. Kansas has allowed felons to own guns after 10 years of their felony. They have allowed this since 2011. They also just lowered the age to own a gun from 21 to 18

@Appleriver I think it good that courts care little about your/my 'preferences'. 😮

The state firearms laws wrt felons (especially nonperson) are varied.


@FearlessFly I think we're in the dilemma that we are in now because the courts don't "care" about our preferences. So much for the "by the people, for the people" thing. I have no problem with people who have passed background checks owning firearms. I do however have a problem with people walking around with assault rifles hanging from their shoulders. They should be banned again. I'm not wanting to argue. I am just sick and tired of mass murders, lax gun control laws and idiots walking around with assault rifles.


I'd say only in TX, but, unfortunately, that isn't the case.

phxbillcee Level 10 May 6, 2021
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