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LINK Biden says, "Enough." after mass shooting today

Uh huh. Yeah, sure.

No NRA needed. We have a useless Congress and we have AND have had useless Presidents for decades (centuries) regarding mass shootings, school shootings, overall fun violence. In the note is no exception and this is just more lip-service as Biden passed the buck to Congress.


SeaGreenEyez 9 May 26
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Five (5) Days Later, President Biden is Saying "ENOUGH" Again!!!!


'Hope so...


Gun control work so well in Mexico I don't see why everyone isn't behind it.

Oldman51 Level 7 May 27, 2021

Mexico has proved to be a bastion of safety after all. It’s really a no brainer.

Of all countries you had chosen Mejico..... wow!!!!

@CourtJester Most of the gun violence in Mexico is gang related. Gangs who are involved in the supply of drugs to the USA. So the good ole US of A is not only responsible for an astronomically high rate of gun deaths amongst it's own people but across the border as well.

@Moravian Speaking Truth is always well received..... Thank You.


The overwhelming majority of firearms that are used in mass shootings are either legally purchased or stolen. Stricter gun control will be about as useful as trumps wall. The overwhelming majority of firearms don't have to be registered so they aren't. Plus serial numbers weren't required until the 1930's. "Ghost guns" still do not require one (you can own ONE - granted you are allowed to own a firearm). Good luck. I have a 60 round AK-47 mag, several 40's and some 30's. I also have a 75 round drum. These are NOT considered large capacity mags. There is no such thing in this state. You can own a 200 rd (or more) belt fed Browning 50 cal if you want. None of my firearms are registered including my AK-47 pistol, or my AR-15 that fires .458 SoCom, or my M7.

On a side note. People around here went ape shit when they heard about gun control being proposed. "They're taking our guns" they all screamed. The proposed bills had to do with arm braces (making a pistol a SBR), and 3D printers. I don't know one single person this will affect. Yet still scream.

I love the NRA's lies. I sell ammo at a 300% markup. Not lately. Fuck no. I have morals.

Rather than stricter gun control, we need to diagnose people with mental illness first. However, this is not a priority in the US. Most mass shooting are people in their mid/late teens drops down in the 20s, then goes up at 31. We need to prevent making these people tick. The answer is not gun control! A lot of these people that do mass shootings are the byproduct of things like bullying, social pressures, the stress of becoming an adult in general.


The current background checks are a complete joke. Here to get a pistol permit it is 5 (five) dollars. There are 12 questions. One is if you are addicted to marijuana! Not one damn thing about alcohol. There was a former sheriff here who got in big trouble with firearms and alcohol. One of which was an illegal weapons charge! Others were some sort of threat and discharging a firearm in an apartment. My TSA background check was much more complex. It takes literally less than 5 minutes for me to purchase a firearm legally here. It's that easy. I can even have them delivered to my fucking door legally.

We need to be like the UK and make sure that the people that own firearms have them stored in a way so that the baddies can't get them. But then again that would violate unreasonable search and seizure.

Between diagnose and diagnose..... how many people can be killed? It is hard to fire a gun if there is no gun to fire!!!! Remove all guns from all civilians hands.


Good thing they were in a gun free zone in a state with some of the highest restrictions on fire arms.


What would you like Biden to do? Kidnap every Republican member of Congress and make a body double of them so he can pass a liberal agenda?

UrsiMajor Level 8 May 27, 2021

@SeaGreenEyez Obama had to pass the ACA over Christmas when certain Republicans wouldn't even be there to vote. If it was that tight for the ACA, how was he going to push something waaaay bigger like Universal Healthcare through?

Democrats barely have a majority by 2 votes. Kamala Harris has made some nice saves. I think I need to tag you in AOC's assessment of the situation. Is AOC progressive enough or does she fall under "bribed corpotate Dem" as well? I'm all ears.



It has been 'enough' years ago. But at least we have a leader who is willing to pay lip service and perhaps do even more to cure this gun epidemic. At least my state has been taking concrete action and passing some basic laws to curb this madness.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 26, 2021
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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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