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Lawrence: GOP Position Is Kids Have To Die Because The Constitution Says So

chalupacabre 8 May 27
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Lawrence is an asshole.

Alienbeing Level 8 May 27, 2022

That make his point invalid?

@chalupacabre Yes, because he has never made a point, only expressed an opinion.

@Alienbeing You call him an asshole because you disagree with him. I disagree with you. By your own logic you are therefore an asshole. But the Republicans did get one thing right in this excellent, spot-on monologue. There is a big mental health problem in America. It’s called Republicanism.

@NostraDumbass Apparenty you failed miserably in your attempt to comprehend what I wrote.

I DID NOT say I disagreed with him; I said he never makes a point, only expresses an opinion.

Last I am not a Republican. However, I am a person who knows the difference between a fact and a mere opinion; unlike yourself. Last don't try to proclaim and understanding of logic. Your reply shows you forgo logic for irrational bias statements. Not likeing Lawrence in NO way even suggests Republicanism.

@Alienbeing You packed a lot of sophistry into 3 brief paragraphs, so I won’t bother dealing with all of it.
Firstly, not liking Lawrence to the point where you pejoratively called him an asshole is an opinion that strongly suggests a conservative worldview. And conservatism suggests Republicanism. Regardless, I did not refer to you specifically as either.

Secondly, he obviously did make a very important point: “This was predictable”. That point was his opinion, but one that is simply not debatable. Instead, much more like a self-evident truth. Also known as a fact.

So, ultimately, the person who failed miserably to comprehend what you wrote was not me but yourself. But perhaps English is not your primary language, which would explain your confused messaging that you then projected onto me.

@NostraDumbass Since it is now apparant that you are intellectually dishonest, this will be my last communication with you. When you say you didn't "specifically" refer to me as a Republican, you show intllectual dishonesty. The mere fact that you used the word "specifically" illustrates your intent.

English is my primary language and additionally I took (and passed) several courses called "precision in language"; so you can put your absurd remark where the sun don't shine.

Lawrence is an asshole, and a devious asshole at that, actually not much unlike your communications on this subject.

I didn't fail to understand a thing, YOU FAIL to cover up your obvious bias towards Lawrence's unfactual delivery.

In closing, th "Dumbsass" portion of your screen name is well chosen.


I’m sending money to Beto and hope others do as well. Texass needs to be cleaned up and they need to throw out every do nothing repub in that state!


Nevertheless, nothing will change. Glad I live in Canada.

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