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One of the questions I often hear from the gun control side of the argument is "why does it appear that police have an easier time with busting drug dealers than they do with black market arms dealers?" If you think about it a bit more, that's not hard to answer/explain.

When police do a drug bust (a bust in which they use an informant), their informant will usually be safe from identification by the drug dealer because packets of drugs or pills etc look pretty much all the same, and being that in a day's time the average drug dealer could literally have dozens of customers would make it all the more difficult for the dealer to identify who had ratted them out. With black market firearms dealers on the other hand, which in most cases there wouldn't be as many customers day to day, it would be much easier for the gun dealer to remember what type of gun he sold at what time and to who, because unlike drugs the guns do look different.

So that's why black market gun busts are more difficult, because the police do not want to put their informants in jeopardy of having revenge taken against them for ratting out the arms dealers, and it's much easier to keep track of the sale (and what you sold who to) of 4-10 guns that of which at least some are different calibers compared to dozens and dozens of pills or drug packets.

SpikeTalon 9 Feb 22
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Busts with CIs are the most likely to be compromised in someway, The most effective are undercover police officers that are less likely to compromise the evidence. This is not an apples to apples argument.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 22, 2024

@SpikeTalon I would say the main reason for the lower number is the smaller market for illegal firearms. There are a number of legal firearms and legal firearms dealers and legal firearms purchasers. There is a huge difference in the way the law is applied between drugs and guns. I can possess a semi auto, a conversion kit and ammunition in any quantity without violating the law. If I buy the precursors to drugs whether I combine them or not, I can be arrested. I can buy a license to manufacture fully automatic weapons, I cannot do that with drugs. It wasn't a true apples to apples comparison. The original premise may be correct, but it is not a fair comparison.

@SpikeTalon It's like comparing the number of kills for duck hunters versus moose hunters.


And drug dealers may or may not be armed, arms dealers always are.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 22, 2024

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