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When can we say you're too f----- up to own a gun?

UrsiMajor 8 Aug 31
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I didn't follow the story, but funding should have happened bc Jeff Sessions and the evil, horrible, no good NRA both supported it.

2018 was the first time government really considered prosecuting convicted felons, domestic abusers....who try to illegally purchase weapons at FFLs.

I strongly dislike how the NRA and their supporters use trite talking points to dismiss valid concerns, but enforcing existing laws would decrease gun violence.

If this sicko really had the police called on him 26 times, it's hard to believe some of those wouldn't have warranted further scrutiny and maybe even negate his ability to legally buy guns.


Why do I have to say and repeat "Gun Control" Do Not Work in Our SICK Society? It is a Fucking Illusion!!! nra bait you into believing it will one day work in the Utopia in your head. And it will give you crumbs of Victory for you to parade and use as a pacifier. Remove all guns from civilian population. That includes the ones in the house where I live. Marksmanship, Sportsmen, Hunters, Collectors included. If you are not into Law Enforcement... you don't have access to a gun. PERIOD... There is a lot of steel and plastic to be melt. And I know there is a lot of Good People in this group... some naive, some not that naive, some simply seduced in lesser grade by the power of holding a gun... and some will believe that "controlling and keeping in check" the ammosexuals will be enough and make everyone "happy". And I know some will say "gun control" is the "logical, first step" to anything else possible. Well... Since I Do Not Support "gun control", time for me to ignore the group.

Come on man, you gotta be trolling here?

@educatedredneck Ignored, just like the "gun control ala nra" movement. You should recognize when you are a "tool".


And then we wonder why there's mass shootings. This is a problem everywhere in our society .we want to fix problems but we never want to try to avoid them.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Aug 31, 2018

As soon as the NRA no longer benefits from your interest.

The NRA isn't an omnipotent demon, they are singularly the biggest push for gun training, gun safety and safe storage of firearms the USA has

They're not white knights w pure hearts either, just not the boogie many make them out to be


Of course he did. There is not real effort in this country to stop anyone from buying a weapon. Other than Trump, it is the biggest embarrassment we have as a nation. My best friends daughter was there an hour before the shooting. Horrifying!

GreatNani Level 8 Aug 31, 2018

Luv it! Spot on!

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