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Is running a truck into a crowd and not using a gun more preferred? The real issue is our treatment of mental issues that lead to mass killings. The means makes no difference

Jk1960 7 Nov 12
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Chicago, II today, 4 shot plus the shooter. So not know anymore but critically wounded and shot at Mercsy Hospital.


nra speak. diversion, diversion, diversion.


There is a huge difference between mowing down people with a semi-automatic gun and an occasional vehicle. The number prove a clear (to most reasonable people) distinction. Unfortunately, many are fooled but I am not.

JackPedigo Level 9 Nov 12, 2018

Take this into consideration, it is possible for a human being to be removed from their dwelling if they are believed to be a danger to themselves or others. It is absolutely impossible to legally remove a weapon from a home of someone who may be dangerous.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

@SpikeTalon hundreds of people are killed every single year when they're completely unarmed by a so-called responsible gun owner. Red flag laws could have perhaps at least taken the weapons away from mentally Disturbed people, but of course that violates their second amendment rights. All gun nuts believe that if every single household in America had AR-15s loaded and ready to go sitting around their houses that they would be zero crime.

@SpikeTalon in America we have more guns than the military in our society . how come our crime rate is massive? The only thing we have in this country is mass murders, and crime. Explain why there are more mass shootings in this country than there are in others

@SpikeTalon guns are not inanimate objects . guns are machines that do nothing but kill people. Lancer might tell you whatever he wants to, but Lancers words do not cancel out statistics .the United States is always going to be number one in gun-related violence because everyone and anybody could get one with little or no training. America is also one of the most hostile, greedy, anti humanitarian country in the developed world. I think all people suck,and Personally don't trust anyone with a weapon. the most stable intelligent person raised by a little fluffy housewife and a authoritarian macho father ( the perfect infallible family according to conservatives )can be pushed to the limits to acts of violence in the heat of passion. I'm not saying people don't play A Part in violence, of course they do. In America, gun rights activists don't support extensive, expanded backgroud checks. In the past, conservative Republicans enacted assault weapon bans, and mass violence did go down. You may hate gun laws, but if they can save even one person's life it's worth it.

@SpikeTalon so what you're saying is if your whole family was at a family reunion it is just as dangerous for you to be attacked by a lone person wielding knife than an AR-15?. We are caught in a vicious cycle. every time there's gun violence the National Rifle Association is extremely happy. The tendency is for gun sales to increase dramaticall. Perhaps we need to stop putting assault weapons in the hands of angry, stressed out ,depressed people .perhaps it's greed, absolutely zero family / work balance, no paid maternity leave ,0 safety net for people who truly are at risk, lack of healthcare, the inability for people to work a job and earn a living, Tax breaks that make it only easier for the Filthy Rich to become more rich, a school system that that comes in near last in the developed world .The United States of America is incredibly user-unfriendly country .I have friends who live in England who are afraid to come here because of our gun laws. It stresses me that we live in a country that pushes and encourages all people to be fully armed. If you asked people in England or Australia if they saw someone on their property what would they do. Australians and the english would go out and see what the person wanted or was doing. if you asked Americans what they would do in the same situation, they would report they would ask them to leave if they didn't they would shoot them.

@SpikeTalon second amendment rights is a well regulated militia. The Constitution does not specifically say each and every single individual should be armed with the weapon that could kill hundreds in a matter of seconds. Until it f** does, you're at the losing end of an argument . The Constitution does not guarantee that guns are sacred,they should be loved, protected, respected , admired and adored. This is the meaning of the term ammosexual. The Constitution speaks of Guns that were usef for hunting for food. Guns that were incapable of mass murder, and allowed on their properties only. From my understanding, it was not legal for people to bring guns into town in the Wild West. If you ask me, believing that your country is the greatest country that exists on the face of the planet that is above reproach is the most Anti patriotic thing a human being can do.

@SpikeTalon and most Americans don't realize how the quality of life is better in other countries as well


Mental health is clearly an issue but so are guns. The statics are blatantly clear and only an evidence denier can still believe that the problem is not related to easy access to gun by far too many people who don't need them for any reason other than to kill.

marmot84 Level 7 Nov 12, 2018

Guns, especially certain guns, make it a helluva lot easier.

kmdskit3 Level 8 Nov 12, 2018

Killing is not acceptable by truck but there are many more killed by guns in the category of mass destruction. Di\d you even think about doctors saying what physical damage a shot from an ar15 does? The doctors have said the damage from the weapons of mass destruction makes the body almost impossible to save from death? Impossible logic. Military guns sre meant to kill. They serve no other purpose.

Murder because of unrealistic hate is the root cause. A truck or a gun is the method used to accomplish the murder.

@Jk1960 MY POINT is you fix it all, but you first start with laws and rules. You are not going to fix racits and bigots in 10 years, but you can make it less easier by implementing good solid gun laws. Do not try your gun BS on me. It won't work. I am 71 b een all over the US and some of Europe. I never had a gun still don't, n ever will. You guys and your toys, why don't you get some caveman clubs and duke it out? People who justify the death and mutilation of people and animals for no other reason than misplaced hated are not welcome in my world.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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