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You want border security without a wall?
Put a camera on a pole 20ft high, with a decent zoom and motion detector. Make it solar powered with a battery. Use facial recognition software so if it's a rabbit it goes back off. put it in a Lexan box to make it bullet proof. Something moves camera zooms in, if it's a rabbit it goes back off. If it's not a rabbit, it lights up a monitor somewhere and says there are people here. The person sitting in front of a bunch of these camera monitors looks to see what kind of people are out there, if their legal the person just resets everything, if they're not the person tells the local patrol in that area, where they are and how many.

Takes care of imminent domain, I doubt anybody is going to worry about a few camera poles on their property. No environmental impact, it's a pole, make it solar powered and there aren't any wires, just camera and pole. The only threat would be shooting at it, so you put it in a clear bullet proof box. With a decent zoom lens, you can put them 300 yards apart easily. You now have live border monitoring 24/7/365. motion detectors work in the dark, so you give it night vision Extremely low maintenance, reliable, and compared to a wall dirt cheap. You could go total sci-fi and launch a drone with a loud speaker and tell them to go back home. Smile you're on candid camera!
The only wild card, would be the effect of the sand on the clear box.

MikeFlora 7 Jan 27
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or enforce labor laws.

MsAl Level 8 Jan 27, 2019

Not unless you want pay about 5 times as much for fruit and vegetables.

They do jobs that we won't do.

@MikeFlora I come from resturaunts before and after they were filled with illegal workers. I married one of them.

That is not true. People will do these jobs. We won't pay for them. Businesses prefer people who work for minimum wage or less and won't call in or complain when they break labor laws.


We have an underclass of brown people that speak a different language. They live in fear, have no rights and no recourse when wronged. It is disgusting.

@MikeFlora I think we should pay more for things. Our mass consumption of cheap disposable crap and cheap unhealthy food is only made possible by paying people less than we are willing to work for and letting them live abused and hiding in our own country. Also by cheaply made crap by what is made by modern slavery type situations.

@MsAl Not going to argue with you there, except the money should come from the fat cats on wall street not higher prices. If you make 100 millions dollars a year you are screwing somebody out of something somewhere. There isn't a soul on this planet that's worth that kind of money.
My point here is there are far better and cheaper ways to have secure borders than building useless and expensive walls.

@MikeFlora Yes exactly, I just think we can avoid the whole secure the border nonsense all together and make money off from step fines levied on law breaking companies.

@MsAl That will never happen, sorry to say, no more than taking money from the fat cats on wall street will.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

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Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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