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Crazy religious people and guns. They think it's a biblical reference.....

RavenCT 9 Mar 1
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OK, while this is one of the dumbest things I've seen in awhile, the guns were unloaded and zip tied to prevent them from being fired. So, we've got to give them a pass, they didn't break any laws; and they took extra steps they didn't have to, to be safe. Chalk it up to no accounting for taste. We have to let weirdos be weirdos as long as they aren't braking any laws or endangering themselves or others, and they were doing neither. They may think something we do is just as weird. Remember this is the land of the free, not the highly intelligent.

MikeFlora Level 7 Mar 1, 2018

They town evacuated a school for the day.

I really don't like a world where a religion can make a school close because of guns? It's abhorrent to me.


Also Massachusetts (Where I grew up) had a history with the Moonies - particularly in Gloucester.
There were brands of fish sticks that everyone knew not to buy because they'd be supporting them.


RavenCT Level 9 Mar 1, 2018


Yes it's the Moonies.

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 1, 2018

Talk about tone deaf! Was that a "Moonie" church?

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 1, 2018

I think so they believe the guns are referencing a "rod of iron".... which I've never heard of.

Well... . not in a religious reference anyway. 😉

@RavenCT Well, I think some men do worship it!

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