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I couldn't say anything the other day, because it wouldn't have worked if I did. The ammosexuals (still luv the term) post the other day was a test. We don't typically attack them out of the blue. We give them hell after they post their dumb shit, but don't do much out of nowhere. I wanted to see what would happen if we went off on them the same way they go off on us, with no provocation. I got exactly what I expected from them, nothing. Caught hell from some of you, understandably, nothing much from them. They know they are wrong or they would have ripped me to pieces. That's why they attack first. They know they are wrong, but just don't want to give up their guns. They are scared if they give up an inch, they are going to lose all their guns, like the rest of the countries on this planet. There in lies the rub, how do we convince them to give up assault weapons, and get them to believe us when we say that's all we want. That's the million dollar question" How do we make them believe that's all we want?". In my opinion, we just go after assault weapons. make it simple. Lincoln wanted civil rights along with emancipation, but he knew freeing slaves was going to be hard enough on it's own. I think we're in the same boat, asking for too much at one time. I am still working on what to do after that, I think this is the best way to start.

MikeFlora 7 Mar 10
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I for one want more. Not just assault weapons but also information about gun violence and the removal of heavy-handed influence to the citizens and politicians from the gun industry and their lackey, the NRA! What happened to the term caveat emptor? (buyer beware)

JackPedigo Level 9 Mar 11, 2018

Mother Jones


I agree-assault weapons first makes sense.

I really think we are asking for to much. Narrowing it down to one thing will make it easier to get it done.


Wrong. We "ammosexuals" are intelligent, respectful and good people. I can't speak for the rest of them and I won't try to.

Why do you persist in vilifying and demonizing people who care about protecting themselves and their loved ones?

Why do this?

No body has any access to military weapons. Guns in pretty much all nations are only semi-automatic. NO FULLY AUTOMATIC. Which means by mechanical design, there are no assault weapons in the hands of civilians (except people with many licenses).

Please just relax a bit and don't try to aim your hatred towards good law abiding people.

Anyway I'm done, please just be less aggressive, this is a website for conversation and discussion. NOT a platform for people to spread their aggression and insults towards people who have a different view point.

Lancer Level 7 Mar 11, 2018

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

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Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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