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I went over to the conservative atheist site and found a few of them are talking shit about me and about what happened to Lancer. I talked some shit back, so there may be some payback posts showing up for awhile.

MikeFlora 7 Apr 17
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You're not a fish, don't take the bait, as tasty as it might be.

nvrnuff Level 8 Apr 17, 2018

If people talk s...t about you, consider their suffering...s....t is coming out of their mouths. Ignore, don't reply to them. True conservatives never disrespect a debater, only challenge their they're not even good conservatives. Please don't stoop to their level - we don't want s...t coming out of your mouth, now, do we?

Robecology Level 9 Apr 17, 2018

I was mostly just trying to set the record straight, but after I read all the shitty comments about me and the group, I lashed out, I'm human. Nobody likes being made fun of.


You brought that on yourself, you could take that high road, but instead you sunk to a level that was equal to the person you kicked out.

Darthpug Level 7 Apr 17, 2018

Not quite, I mostly was just setting the record straight until I got to the seventh or eighth post about me, and yes I did stoop some, I'm human. I'm trying to be the better man because I believe in what I'm doing. I went to the March For Our Lives protest in Columbus and this Sat. I'm speaking at a Community Commitment Conversation in Columbus on gun violence. It's just difficult sometimes.


@MikeFlora, I know what you said. I have a screen shot of it. And yes, you do have blinders on whether you want to admit it or not. And how was Lancer disrespectful? Because he doesn't agree with you on gun control? As far as sarcasm and arrogance goes...I guess you both have that in common but then again a lot of people, myself included, can exhibit those qualities.
You and your group talk and act like we are irresponsible, uneducated, uncivil neanderthals. On the contrary, because we are for the 2nd Amendment, own and use firearms we have a certain reverence for them. We educate ourselves on the proper use, storage and laws. I respect your opinion even if I don't agree with it. What I don't respect is the fact that your group does nothing to educate themselves on firearms and truthful statistics. You boast how you have shot down our valid excuses for the 2nd Ammendment. How? How have you done this? All you do is lash out at people who don't agree with you and then strut around like you accomplished something. You have only accomplished in showing your true character: controlling, narcissistic, uneducated, disrespectful and juvenile.
And we don't need an excuse to have firearms! What I have in my gun safe is no one's business. I'm a responsible gun owner who has no criminal record. I work 12-14hr days at my job, pay my bills all by myself, pay my taxes and look after my family.
Did you happen to follow that link I posted in your group? If you expect anyone to take you or your group seriously then you need to educate yourself. As far as what I'm doing to keep the 2nd Amendment intact....I write my senator and congressmen on a regular basis. I try to help educate people such as yourself and I won't allow you or anyone else to take my right away to protect my family or myself. I think one sexual assault is enough. I think one man who has stalked me for almost a year now and law enforcement does nothing but write up police reports and tell me to call them if I need them is enough.

Guns are more important to you than peoples lives. safety and my life and my children's lives are more important than your feelings.

@ArtemisDivine Yeah and what about mine? My right to not get blown away at the mall or a theatre or a concert at church or at school or just because I 'm standing here or over there. How about my safety? Like I said guns are more important to you than any other peoples lives. Your gun fetish is not more important than my right not to get blown away by some lunatic.

The 2nd Amendment does not allow you to keep/own any weapon you want regardless of how responsible you are. No one is saying gun abolishment, it's gun CONTROL, big difference.

@nvrnuff, I know what the 2nd Amendment says. We have gun control. Loopholes need closed and our laws need enforced. I suppose you are one to tell me what to do with my uterus, as well?

@ArtemisDivine I couldn't care less what you do with your uterus as long as you keep away from me. If you want to be combative, I can do that, but I think I'd rather ignore your being obtuse.

@nvrnuff, you might want to look up the definition of obtuse. I have been respectful and have done nothing but try to educate your willfully ignorant clan. We can't take any of you serious. You have zero tolerance for those who don't agree with you.... That's called bigotry, by the way and closed minded. You want to control others on a subject you have no desire to educate yourself on. So, who is really obtuse here, sir? Peace

@ArtemisDivine Look in the mirror for ignorance. Anyone who would even invoke the 2nd Amendment in the discussion is just that, ignorant. I have no problem with guns, I own a couple. As far as control anyone , I have absolutely no desire except in the regard of the good of everyone involved.I also certainly did not bring your uterus into the discussion, you did. You think you know, but you obviously don't, so why don't you worship your God the gun elsewhere?

@SallyMc In all fairness it's really hard to post in paragraphs on here. And it will not let you indent

@nvrnuff You say respectful, and then call us a willfully ignorant clan, all in the same sentence. I don't know,but sounds to me you have some serious anger issues going on. I'm tired of arguing with people just because, right or wrong all I'm doing, is trying to make this country a little safer place to be.

@ArtemisDivine You make very valid points and it is a shame that you are attacked for just having a differing opinion. I joined this group out of hope for what was going to be discussions on guns and gun violence. I see more and more that is not the case.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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