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I think peace is never appropriate. I think safety is appropriate. my end game is to try to improve the standard of living to the highest standard of living safely. I use the scientific method from my perspective of the highest standard of living and change variblals to think of what would occur in things as peace. I think about the philosophy of philosophical eye for a eye, similar to treating others the way one wants to be treated if treating others the way one wants to be treated improves the universal wellbeing. I think the current problem is people being a threat to selves and others from the philosophical eye for a eye end game scientific method and imposing there values on others. they say they are helping as they abusively assault. I have categories including, increased chance of harm, active increased chance of harm, threat of violence, active threat of violence, violence, assault, abusive assault used as the word instead of violence. my objective is to try to improve the universal wellbeing and i use goals that include the objective at all times. I am trying to decrease inflictions of pain to the universal wellbeing to increase hope of improvement to my self. What is this group and what problems do you have with me having massivly strong weapons?

un_i_maze 3 Dec 5
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One would have to live in an authoritarian place for this to take place. If we all have free will and no educational system that teaches anything then we have to force people to be reasonable.

I think you said the words "one would have to", i personally am on a agnostic website and use the priniciple- I think I do not know anything. agnostic-i think of possiblilities. Education is something i supply. what is happening instead of free will and education now? The stradagy of forcing people to be reasonable atleast goes back to agnostics being burned at the stake by lunitics and now they drug people. I am agnositc willing to search to try to find more information to try to make better decisions. Having a stradegy that does not include forcing will i think is approiate and i use. I think not forcing will shows a opportunity of a different position than what they do, a treating others the way they want to be treated, and a rally to end massive amounts of stupidity to justify spreading by saying they do it too. I want to be honnest, the amount of flinging of the mentality you are talking about in the area i am surrounded by is huge. I think i might not be able to escape there grasp and die a tortured manipulated soul trying to have freedom. In the situation i am in i do not find forcing will approiate. In any situation in reality i do not find forcing will approiate. I recommend similar(because i think actions should be taken instead of peace(peacekeeping bullshit) to the war on terror where i think the united nations idea was to rally against harm but was not doing anything about eather side torturing people. I recommend education and rallying at different levels, ranks, classes, etc. against the idea of forcing will and taking action to end the problem with force instead of similar to there bullshit war on terror. I think homeland is a great example of what a country would be creating. I personally have not heard of any approiate homeland. Rallying i think is much smarter than protesting. i think fortifying area's, expressing education, putting a education ambassador papers on the border of property, having camera's possibly shared to extents, and spreading is approiate, having self seficantcy, having information from basics on how to do everything. what you said and might before and after reading this happens. Defenses from people that run around forcing there will on people is extremely important and dalefvictor is maybe a example. I want to love you dalefvictor and think searching to try to find more information to try to make better decissions is a success that should be celebrated not shamed. I think people shame dales type that use superiority of forcing will. Those people that shame think since they have education on better position that threating them is approiate. I think threating them is not. habits are difficult to break and take time and i think should not have the mentality of assholes shaming people and the stradegy of a safe transistion. There are many people that shame in different ways to bash improvement to do the king of the hill thing with a justification of they are better but continue to do the same with using superiority.

@un_i_maze I reread what you wrote and I think I read it incorrectly. Sorry, I am dyslexic and sometimes my tricks for understanding do not work as well as I would like them to.


Peace... Safety.... How are they different?... How are they the same?....!!!

I think safety invovles defending from harm. I think peace can be involved in neutrality.

what procedure they are different- i expressed my definintions. What procedure of mine are they the same- they are never since i do not use peace in my procedure.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

Posted by FrostyJim...what a sad situation.

Posted by ButtercupI doubt she said it buts it's cute.

Posted by Smurfing101

Posted by DruviusAh yes, modern America.

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Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by SwitchcraftSandy Hook 13th sad anniversary - 12/14/12

Posted by MoravianSad but true.

Posted by DruviusAlways loved this one.

Posted by TejasAnti trump pistol. Do you have mixed feelings about it?

Posted by TejasLook at this scary gun!

Posted by Tejas

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

Posted by SeaGreenEyezThe most unaware "Awareness Day" in America was yesterday.

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