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The main problem with the . 223 type long guns is the rounds fired from them. These rounds are designed to cause the worst possible tissue damage and the wounds they inflict are horrific. These rounds are not good for hunting because they ruin the meat of game animals. Perhaps we have a better chance to alter the ammunition, because the AR 15 will not be banned in my lifetime.

Monterey 5 May 20
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I've long thought that banning ammunition sales would eventually help. 9 in a it's impractical and unlikely but I've been grasping at straws since Columbine, Laewood, CO.

Dingodog Level 7 May 20, 2018

And who designs these guns and ammunition? Maybe it is they that need to have a mental check-up!!!

JackPedigo Level 9 May 20, 2018

DARPA approves the design of military guns and ammo. Lots of money made in killing people. Military Industrial Complex that President Eisenhower cautioned us about.

@Monterey But, ultimately it still comes down to people.


What is a good round for hunting humans?

The ones currently being used so effectively. AR 15 rounds are military rounds, designed to inflict disabling wounds.


And this is I'm sick and tired of gun enthusiasts saying they need their weapons for hunting or target shooting.

For that matter, I'd like to see some stats on many and what weapons are used in bonafide cases of "protection".


Bullets from any gun are designed to cause tissue damage.... guns maybe could be legal but ban the ammo...

blzjz Level 7 May 20, 2018

Some rounds are much more destructive than othes.

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Posted by DruviusMake it make sense.

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