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We can't troll on other groups, admin won't allow it, and I will get in trouble for it. I have already been warned and admin said if they keep getting complaints I'm gone. So please don't troll.

MikeFlora 7 May 21
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I don't but why are they allowed to troll this group?

wowspring Level 6 May 22, 2018

Because I don't do anything about it, They don't last more than 1 or 2 posts usually

We can handle them. Either ignore them or rebut.

I think it can be funny when a troll appears and no one engages them. They're dying for attention. ;D


It is poor form but if someone puts forth a statement I disagree with I will answer but try to keep it in the third person.

JackPedigo Level 9 May 22, 2018

You can say whatever you want to people that come here, I just don't want to screw up what Spike Talon and I are trying to do.


I don't.

nvrnuff Level 8 May 21, 2018

On one hand, I believe getting any gun nut to see any point we make is impossible. They're religious about their guns! Dialog seems futile.

On the other hand, without differing opinions, there is no dialog. Someone would make a statement here and everyone will only be nodding in the affirmative.

I think the best way to deal with trolls is ignoring them.

Let's not take this computer thingy too seriously. 😉

dare2dream Level 7 May 21, 2018

if they come here, say whatever you want or nothing, if someone comes here looking for trouble give them some


I wonder if @Admin has considered that the other group is scheming for that very thing!

phxbillcee Level 10 May 21, 2018

I think admin should be handling people individually, not as a group...that isn't really fair to the others. If the group as a whole is violating the TOU I would undestand that...but people are acting as individuals, not as a representative of any group
Honestly, I havent seen that group getting a lot of trolling, but maybe I missed it...

I've been warned more than once, and the host for another group is getting trolled from members of this group. I am asking please don't troll

@MikeFlora Yes, I just seems like that isn't really fair. If you troll, you are responsible for your own actions...but if others in the group are trolling and it is not because of your actions, why are you being held responsible for others actions just because they are a member of your group? Or am I misunderstanding something?

@Seeker55 some have that's part of what Spike Talon and I are doing, keeping track of trolls and swapping. He tells me about his trolls and I tell him about mine, and if it's someone in our groups we take care of it, ask them to stop. We're trying to do something here that if it works is a good thing. Agree to disagree with respect is the best way to describe it.

@Seeker55 I think we're good

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