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Ajkaelater merkli: A new species of Click Beetle from Late Cretaceous Hungarian amber.
Beetles, and Insects in general, are hyperdiverse modern organisms which play key roles in almost all modern ecosystems. They a have long fossil record, which are considered to be key to understanding the emergence and development of the various Beetle groups. However, compression fossils tend to preserve relatively little detail in Beetles, limiting their use to palaeontologists. Preservation in amber, on the other hand, often produces excellent fossil Beetles with detailed anatomical features preserved in three dimensions. However, the vast majority of the known Insect-producing amber deposits are less than 65 million years old, making Mesozoic amber deposits particularly valued, both for their rarity and for the information they provide. Important Cretaceous amber deposits are found in Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, France, England, Spain, the US, Canada, Russia and Myanmar, with the Burmese, Lebanese, Spanish and French ambers being particularly noted for the abundance of the Insect fossils they produce.

JoeB 6 Jan 10
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Though they were sculpture, ha.

Imagine they have 10 times the weight mass than humans on earth. I raised beetles for plant food and pet food, it works well as a recycling systems.

Yes they are the ecosystem for the forest like coral is for the sea animals system.

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