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Just know this, as a taste of theory of political strategy:

The fact that your life is lived in, at best, partly sustainable short-term chunks that, at best, partly repeat themselves is not only your own lack of properly adapted input towards your life. No, too many of you are already too smart to be doing that.

Those who are in power don’t want the employed and those in the lower classes, including American Untouchables (Prison laborers, for example) to have self-determination or other rights through the state, so they can have more rights forcibly manufactured and coercively enforced through private property. If you’re not the ruling or federal property owning class rung, then IN THE ASSUMPTION OF THOSE PEOPLE OF THE CORPORATIONS AND THE STATE, you’re a pawn and things like political divides and wild individualism are helping your own implicit class-based enslavement.

You know what else does so? Lack of education and input. Again, get informed, get even smarter, get knowledgable. Break the prison we are all stuck in because this country is OUR home to look after and our people are OUR people to look after.

DZhukovin 7 Feb 11
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