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Palistinian “Holocaust”
For all of you people who are too young or ignorant of history who think the current "holocaust" being visited against Gaza and the West Bank, co-sponsered by the United States and now abetted by Biden in our name, are justified by the "Nazi Holocaust" and in light of the latest atrocities now being committed, the bombing of hospitals, homes and schools, I post the following historical account. . How can a child on life support and barely clinging to life, be expected to evacuate the hospital to trek 12 miles through the desert to (where... Safety?). The horrors perpetrated against the Jews before and during WW 2 do not justify what the Jews are now doing to the innocent civilians (including Doctors without Borders, international journalists, Red Cross workers, and people of all religions,) in Gaza. The Jewish, Israeli "citizens" who are even now distroying the homes and farms of Palestinians who have lived there for hundreds of years, and confiscating their lands and even shooting them, are supported by our tax money. Israeli Jews don.t have to pay taxes, but we do! However, here is your history lesson.

"In 1948, more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs – about half of prewar Mandatory Palestine's Arab population – fled from their homes or were expelled by Zionist militias during the 1948 Palestine war, following the Partition Plan for Palestine. The expulsion and flight was a central component of the fracturing, dispossession, and displacement of Palestinian society, known as the Nakba. Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were destroyed. Village wells were poisoned in a biological warfare programme and properties were looted to prevent Palestinian refugees from returning. Other sites were subject to Hebraization of Palestinian place names. These activities were not necessarily limited to the year 1948.
The precise number of Palestinian refugees, many of whom settled in Palestinian refugee camps in neighboring states, is a matter of dispute. Around 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants of what became Israel (half of the Arab total population of Mandatory Palestine) left or were expelled from their homes. About 250,000–300,000 Palestinians fled or were expelled during the 1947–1948 civil war in Mandatory Palestine, before the Israeli Declaration of Independence in May 1948, a fact which was named as a casus belli for the entry of the Arab League into the country, sparking the 1948 Arab–Israeli War."

Now tell me we should all sympathize with the nation of Israel for suffering the loss of 1200 of their citizens at the hands of Hamas (with which I do sympathize) while condoning the massacre of 15,000 men women and children who have no more guilt than the European Jews did under the Nazis.

fishline79 7 Nov 11
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This is not about religion, it is about occupation. For the US, maintaining a beachhead in the ME for imperial designs.
The world is protesting the continued occupation of Palestine. The West is having problems with this as for the last 2 years we have been told to hate Russia for occupying Ukraine yet when it comes to Israeli occupation..........they change their tune. But people are sick of occupiers so we see US occupying garrisons also under attack. The Irish fully support the Palestinian cause because they also understand occupation.
I always thought "Never again!" meant that never again would the world stand by and watch a nation state identify a group of people within it's borders, then target that population to dispossess them of land and property. Treat them as lesser humans and employ collective measures against that group purely because of an accident of birth. That's what I thought "Never again" meant anyway. Seems the US and Israel see "Never again" as justification to carry out fascist policy themselves.

puff Level 8 Nov 12, 2023

I just heard today on "Face the Nation" that Israel has Palestinian women and children in prison in Israel, and the White House Securety Advisor indicated that he can't speak about security measures regarding hospitals in Gaza. We are apparently involved in implementing intelligence operations regarding the siege of Gaza and the elimination of Hamas forces. It sounds like Biden is running their war.

@fishline79 The US is actively supplying weaponry in the knowledge it will be used against Palestinians in Gaza. Flying in bombs.
I think that was Hamas's plan, a prisoner swap as has happened in the past. Were @ 5000 Palestinians locked up prior to Oct 7th with thousands more arrested since in the West Bank which has nothing to do with Hamas. All these people held without due process and taken at gunpoint. Some could say they are being held hostage.
I too support all who resist occupation. I do not support the taking of hostages and targeting of civilians but remember about 500 of those who died Oct 7th were active service personnel, military ie a legitimate target. If true and a total of 1200 died, the collateral damage is about a 1:1 ratio. Israel has now killed about 10,000 Palestinians but how many of those are "legitimate"? On paper, Hamas are far better at avoiding collateral damage than the IDF.


It seems Israeli citizens do indeed have tax obligations:


The degree to which the US lends support to Israel warrants scrutiny. According to pro-Israeli propaganda they made the desert bloom. If that’s the case they should also try their hand at self-sufficiency.

The Holocaust and Nakba were both horrific events. Jews were migrating to Palestine well before WWII. European antisemitism was a justification for Zionism. There were the Dreyfus affair and the various pogroms. Before such migrations there was a rump population of Palestinian Jews that was a mere fraction of Palestinian Arabs at the time before the aliyah. Whether the problems faced by European Jewry over the years exonerated the collective blind spot toward native Arabs is beyond me. It happened and Israel is now a thing, so that for better or worse, serves as a baseline from which I approach the topic.

Much happened historically before 1948 and much between 1948 and 2023. Demonization narratives are not entirely helpful. Some of us are well acquainted with the history of the Levant.

The heinous acts of terrorism committed recently by Hamas cannot be justified. The Israeli response is horrific and as with the US response after 9-11, especially the Iraq invasion, will erode world sentiment toward Israel and will inspire a new crop of terrorists to emerge. In a sense Hamas goaded Israel into that perhaps as a means to drive a wedge between Israel and the Arab anti-Iranian coalition that was being cultivated.

Before the Hamas butchery Israelis were protesting Netanyahu and his right wing coalition moves against their judiciary. These protests were self-serving as said judiciary had not been a benefactor of Palestinians. Secular Jews are hopefully upset over the religious turn in Israeli government. Likud and their allies have run counter to the far more secular orientation of right wing Revisionist Zionism put forward by their ideological grandparent Vlad Jabotinsky.

Before Israel occupied the West Bank, Jordan had annexed it. How did that move bode for aspirations of Palestinian nationalism? Jordan wound up kicking the PLO out of their country due to unruliness and they moved to destabilize Beirut which gave Israel some reason to help Syria destroy Lebanon by proxy, though there had already been a civil war.

Scott321 Level 7 Nov 12, 2023

Thank you for concatenating the events leading up to where we are now. It is a real cesspool of conflicting idealism, and Israel is never, it would seem, going to settle for anything less than total domination of the entire "state", much less a "two-state solution" but, yet again the US blunders in to stir the pot instead of trying to come up with a diplomatic solution like Jimmie Carter and others almost succeeded in doing fifty years ago, with the final veto always coming from the Zionists. Religious fundamentalism always prevails, especially in the US. I have said, jokingly of course, that in 1948, we should given the Jewish people a big chunk of West Texas to "turn into a garden"!

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