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LINK The Search for Planet-Friendly Protein | Yes! Magazine

Chapulines add a nice kick to any tortilla or spicy food dish. They’re high in protein, low in fat, and the grasshoppers’ crispiness complements the softer texture of the tomatillo and avocado components ... An even more efficient creature conjures protein from waste: the larvae of the black soldier fly ... They have a popcorn flavor .. a little nutty ... [ the black soldier fly larvae for animal feed ... [ They're also good as ] a kind of bug-based waste disposal system since a black soldier fly larva’s gut can apparently turn anything into protein ... [ including ] dangerous pharmaceuticals and pesticides ... A San Francisco company [ has ] managed to grow genuine salmon meat from salmon cells ... The process is far enough along now to produce the kind of tissue that flakes naturally after cooking.
Question: I would like to try some of these new renditions of protein. How about you?

AnonySchmoose 8 May 7
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I’m happy with pea, soy and nuts as meat alternatives so far 😉 I’ll leave the insects for you 😊

I figure if I can eat crustaceans, I could eat other arthropods.
Even lobsters are likened to giant cockroaches.
Sorry ... that thought turns me off, and undoubtedly turns you off too.

@AnonySchmoose each to their own, I don’t eat shellfish either usually. I do enjoy the odd grass fed beef meal and free range chicken dinner. Already use textured vegetable protein (tvp) and alternatives for most meals a week.
I’m not in the market if telling other people what to do...the science is getting clearer to indicate that things need to change for numerous reasons though.
I remember KFC wanting to look into lab grown chicken probably about 15 years ago now, people freaked out. Public opinion is getting more onside for these new innovations now.

I'm for the meat substitute innovations. Also for the natural proteins like nuts, beans, and seeds. I don't eat fish and animals, except for eggs, and would try arthropods. There is protein in many other foods as well.


I will have a go at anything, but not something fed on 'dangerous pharmaceuticals', there are too many of them in things like chicken, salmon, and honey to start with. And can you really trust the companies, who would produce them, not to make mistakes or take short cuts, that would let the chemical through.

Fernapple Level 9 May 8, 2020

I agree. It would be wise to be cautious about the soldier fly larvae, until a lot of scientific study is done.


If I was actually doing this for real I would not want to know what I was eating until I asked to know, which I might not do.

I have eaten snails, so I wouldn't feel reluctant to try grasshoppers or engineered salmon or maybe ants. Like you, there are other arthropod creatures I might feel too squeamish to eat.

I have a friend who was offered something by a lady on a bus in Indonesia. She told me that she thought they might have been deep fried cockroaches, but she didn’t mind them and didn’t want to be rude. You’re both much braver than me in food adventures 🙂

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