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Unexpectedly large herd of Elephants sighted in Borno State, .
A large herd comprising around 250 African Bush Elephants, Loxodonta africana, has been spotted close to the town of Rann in Borno State, northeastern . The sighting was made from a helicopter operated by the United Nations Humanitarian Air that was delivering supplies in the area on 19 December 2019. Northeastern was known to be home to several hundred Elephants until about ten years ago, when Boko Haram insurgents set up camps in the Sambisa Forest Game Reserve, a key environment and part of the annual migration route of the Elephants. In the decade since that time the area has been a subjected to repeated fighting between the insurgents and the military, including aerial bombardments and extensive use of artillery, things generally thought to be adverse to Elephant survival. However the discovery of a large Elephant herd in Borno suggests that Elephants have not just survived in the area but flourished, with the discovery roughly doubling the known Elephant population of , according to Tunde Marokinyo of Africa Nature Investors.

JoeB 6 Jan 1
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I sure hope this maintains!

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Posted by JoeBUnexpectedly large herd of Elephants sighted in Borno State, .

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