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Interesting to see three out of the four BRIC countries, plus head-in-the-sand Australia, causing so much trouble. Anyway, a takeaway for me is also:

"...The stark difference between the climate plans of different G20 nations – who together are responsible for 85% of all global carbon emissions – was underlined last week in Naples, when a meeting of member states’ energy and environment ministers ended with the group failing to agree on a package of commitments to tackle climate change. “The G20 is failing to deliver,” said the online activist network Avaaz.

The Observer
Climate change
Plans of four G20 states are threat to global climate pledge, warn scientists
‘Disastrous’ energy policies of China, Russia, Brazil and Australia could stoke 5C rise in temperatures if adopted by the rest of the world
Robin McKie, Toby Helm & Fiona Harvey
Sun 25 Jul 2021 08.45 BST

kmaz 7 July 25
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If people aren't going to believe in the pandemic being real when all around them people are dying, than climate change actions don't have a chance.

JackPedigo Level 9 July 25, 2021

I hear there are fires in Siberia, if this is true and the permafrost melts, we are done. Methane will kill us before we have the ability to contain it.

@dalefvictor Unfortunately, there are lots of thing that will kill us but too few seem to care. Just read scientists turned the doomsday clock ahead to 100 seconds before midnight. This is the closest it's been since it was created.

@JackPedigo I would think they would have set it to less than a second, it does not matter as too many do not care and the spreadsheets are doing too well.

@dalefvictor One would thing (although, obviously erroneously) that economist would be smarter than to continue to engage is very short term profit making.

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