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It helps my head to find at least one thing a day which is significant towards positive, meaningful change... (Sigh). We KNOW we are in trouble. YET, we also know there are people on this planet who care about climate justice and more... This URL is a mixed bag, yet it is RAISING AWARENESS! []

LetzGetReal 8 Apr 25
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Raising awareness is good but in these times it is not enough especially when so many others are either clueless or simply have other, short-term priorities. Also, awareness must include critical thinking. There are issues of environmental concern that are not comfortable (inconvenient truths). Population is and will continue to be the number one issue.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 25, 2018

@LetzGetReal I hope you didn't get the wrong idea. There is not one issue but a lot but we still need to try. All information is good but for me the prime issue is human population growth.


Thanks!!! Been following pipeline protests through FB. There are a lot of positive people it's true .. I think half the battle at the moment is the way scientists have been called out by the right as "unruly" somehow. So there was a lot of attribution of the problem on the messenger and that will change as the current political dynamic slows down.. We have taken a massive beating really.

Following link is a farmer / biologist from the Uk (Cornwall) who decided to go save the Amazon rainforest.. I know this is a seriously big task and again have no illusions, however the key is here and it has started if it can keep rolling ... This system also not only allows area's of palm oil cropped rainforest to be repopulated but also provides local farmers with a sustainable income and business so they may not be tempted away by loggers with bug cash handouts!!!

Mike Hands and the INGA Foundation sponsored by Kew Gardens

A ray of hope


Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 25, 2018

My concern with planting the Inga's is that we (humans) are once again intervening/interfering with the natural balance of things. There seems to be an abundance of positive things about planting the Inga tree but as with everything else, what is the whole effect on the environment...positive and negative. Just brainstorming here, but that is what came into my mind as I watched the short video.


I walk 8 kilometres of coastline where I live everday.It breaks my heart the amount of cigarette butts I pick up everyday.Sometimes I see other people picking up butts,it lifts my spirit.

Sheumais Level 5 Apr 25, 2018

@Keyboard-Mama I'm still a smoker but I carry a container to put my butts in.


yes never give up. I try to do the same.

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