Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology

A place to share positive current relevant posts of ongoing or new trends towards Planet Before Profit and Environmental Justice Activists with related issues to help aid awareness... (No we are not hiding from scientific or political facts- only we are not dwelling on doom-ism.)

A place to share positive current relevant posts of ongoing or new trends towards Planet Before Profit and Environmental Justice Activists with related issues to help aid awareness... (No we are not hiding from scientific or political facts- only we are not dwelling on doom-ism.)

Posts Tagged "book" By kmaz (34) Posts by members only

Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Sep 12, 2019Sep 2019

Posted by altschmerz
LINKThe Great Green Wall Is the Type of Utopian Project That Could Save the Planet
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
May 12, 2019May 2019

Posted by MojoDave
The link below (hopefully) leads to the story of the worst extinction in the history of the Earth. It occurred 252 million years ago and explains the process by which 95%+ of all animals on Earth perished. It also explains what will happen in our ...
1 comment
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Apr 22, 2019Apr 2019

Posted by LetzGetReal
2019 Earth Day!!! Today is the worldwide holiday celebrating our home planet, fighting to ensure its protection and preservation. This years' Earth Day theme is focusing on preventing the extinction of millions of the animal and plant species that ...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Aug 28, 2018Aug 2018

Posted by Denker
Have you heard of the Half-Earth Project? It’s an attempt to galvanise people into setting aside half the earth as nature reserves in order to preserve biodiversity. There was a pretty cool accompanying book by E.O. Wilson as well. ...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Jul 27, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by JackPedigo
The planets resources are being outstripped by overpopulation - business section of the Seattle Times . Why am I concerned? A recent issue of the Humanist magazine highlighted 5 activist Black women. One woman, Bridgett ...
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Jul 9, 2018Jul 2018

Posted by Denker
Given the amount of overfishing of fish stocks in our oceans, I think it’s terribly wasteful that one fish in three that are brought up does not make it to a plate. Good article by the guardian.
1 comment
Action Advocates for our Environment and Ecology
Apr 22, 2018Apr 2018

Posted by LetzGetReal
The rise in solar power, electronic vehicles and more. Baby steps yet significant. EVERYONE is talking negatively, why not seek out some good news? Am not an ostrich yet looking at alternative perspectives with a margin of hope. AWARENESS, ...

Photos 49 More

Posted by kmazfrom a french artist, fabrien barrau

Posted by KilltheskyfairyPlease spend 3 minutes reading this note from William Shatner, the actor from Star Trek: “Last year, I had a life-changing experience at 90 years old.

Posted by KilltheskyfairyDon’t blame me! I voted for Gore! (and Kerry, and Clinton, etc.)

Posted by KilltheskyfairyDon’t blame me! I voted for Gore! (and Kerry, and Clinton, etc.)

Posted by AnonySchmooseAchieving Climate Change Mitigation in the Forest Sector | Frontiers Research Topic

Posted by AnonySchmooseVisualizing the Quantities of Climate Change – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Posted by LetzGetReal In “Mermaid” BENJAMIN VON WONG created a scene using 10,000 donated USED plastic bottles then photographed it from overhead.

Posted by AnonySchmooseThe Search for Planet-Friendly Protein | Yes! Magazine

Posted by AnonySchmooseThe Search for Planet-Friendly Protein | Yes! Magazine

Posted by AnonySchmooseWill protecting 30 percent of Earth prevent the extinction crisis? | Science News

Posted by LetzGetRealHi ALL, Been away, lots to do in my real life community, plus family issues in the states were pressing.

Posted by Heidi68Truth from a boy and his tiger

Posted by Heidi68They knew at the beginning of the last century. Just think if we had listened & work toward change starting back then

Posted by JoeBUnexpectedly large herd of Elephants sighted in Borno State, .

Posted by MsAlIts been raining all winter here in Michigan and Im finding it hard to avoid politics by talking about the weather.

Posted by djs64Happy and sad.

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