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Looking for a place to share/discuss some photography inspired by scientific effects/phenomenae. Also trying to figure out a way to upload higher pixel count images.

Any suggestions?

For example, I like to take photographs of Fresnel lenses and astronomical events, eg. the lighthouses, solar halos, & eclipse i had the opportunity to capture below.

Thanks! 🙂

SergeTafCam 5 Apr 27
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For astrophotography, few sites can top Astrobin.


The pixel count issue is a bother. If I limit my picture size to 12 Mpix and slightly increase the compression, they usually upload fine, but I almost always shoot at 24 Mpix, High quality. Easy enough to do, now that I know about it. This works out to keeping your uploads below 10 M byte.


There is a limit to the size of uploads here - did you happen to reach it?

But you can post to another site (instagram etc) and link us to it.

RavenCT Level 9 Apr 28, 2020

Yep. I noticed the size limit. Reached it on a couple of images. Linking works. Thanks! 🙂


Excellent photos.
I have never encountered such lovely color in the clouds. I've captured a few sun dogs but that photo is lovely.
Did you use a polarizing filter?

Yeah, two circular polarizers back to back.
Was able to catch a comparable effect, albeit from incomplete Newton rings on a large bubble at a local renaissance fair. Also used the polarizers to take a couple of pictures of a single peacock feather at two differing polarizations under the same lighting conditions. 🙂

Iridescence is by far one of my favorite effects to manipulate with polarizers since its so angle & dipole dependent. 🙂

Cross Polarizers make amazing images when working with scattered light from thin films like ice-crystals (i.e. cloud crystals) & all sorts of thin films & filaments. Law of Malus can be pretty good for creating nice puctures.

Some examples of iridescence (pictures are not mine in this case) are in the pictures below.

@SergeTafCam I've used cross polarizing with clear plastic jewel case cover from cd. Fun to be able to see how applying stress can change the patterns.

@NoMagicCookie Yeah, that's a beautiful effect. Particularly while taken in flight. 😉

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