8 9

Well. Try #2 for the Dragon launch. Weather is again iffy ATM, but we'll see. Either way I'm glued to this feed all day.

TristanNuvo 8 May 30
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We are back in space, this is a big deal. Hopefully we can get back to Science and away from being stupid in our political efforts. I am excited for our future here.


Not as exciting as the first shuttle mission launch after the Challenger disaster, which I "saw" from Titusville, but still exciting.

bingst Level 8 May 30, 2020

As many times that I've seen the rockets re-enter, and land on an X on a barge in the ocean. I still can't imagine how they do that.

It is pretty damn cool. haha


Lift off! Go Baby Go!


Last count. Over 3 Million watching this NASA feed. Awesome that so many are as big of nerds that I am. lol.

I think it was higher than that. I was watching NBC News live on youtube, and noticed a lot of others carrying the launch.


Still a little nervous about the weather. It isn't real bad, but still fairly cloudy.


I guess atm, they are still playing footage from the other day, and other clips. Todays footage should start at 11:00 AM EST.


I'll catch the video .

Besalbub Level 8 May 30, 2020
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