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Are there any folks here who have geeky collection habits? A co-worker of mine is trying to collect samples of the entire Periodic table, he is doing pretty well excluding a couple which he is unlikely to get his hands on! 🙂 I collect minerals and lately lots of dishware which has really hyperactive particles zipping out of them. Here is my current collection 🙂

Observer-Effect 7 Nov 12
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I'm trying to get of junk rather than collect more.


I collect old computer equipment and media. Cards, paper tape, tapes, mass-storage cartridges, key caps, reference materials, etc.

BitFlipper Level 8 Nov 13, 2019

Uranium glass? very cool.

gater Level 7 Nov 12, 2019

Yeah I love it!


I used to collect Depression Era Fiesta ware. A number of the colors have radio nucleotides in their mineral paints.

t1nick Level 8 Nov 12, 2019

Cool, there are big collectors out there. I have a moderate collection, but I don't collect based on asthetics or rarity/value of the piece, I go completely by activity level. How radioactive are they? And some of the Fiestaware (and companies that copied them) from the early 1900's is really remarkably strong stuff. perfectly safe to handle, but chipping some glaze off and eating it would be a good chance at cancer! Uranium 238 with a tiny hint of Uranium 235 in those glazes.

I seem to remember there were certain colors you didn't want to eat off of?


Cobalt blue definitely. I believe the red was problem as well.


Vaseline glass? Under black light - I didn't know it did that. lol

RavenCT Level 9 Nov 12, 2019

Yeah vaseline glass, also called "depression glass" or uranium glass, glows quite bright under UV light. Its a chemical reaction with the uranium, not a atomic reaction - but it gives the stereotypical media glow of radiation!

@Observer-Effect I like it! 👍


Very nice... I'm attempting to collect two of every animal for a reenactment of Noah's ark.. So far, I got me and my bf... Oh, and a baby...

That reminded me . . . . 🙂

Lol, good start. Lol

Well, don't forget about all the microbes that were living in their guts before they got on the boat... Don't worry, you got more than two of each.. 🤣


I put my cat’s whiskers in a special box when I find them.

Coincidentally.. a cousin a reconnected with recently.. does the same thing. 🤣🤪

Davekp Level 8 Nov 12, 2019

Nice! There is a mineral group here. Check it out under GROUPS.

Mooolah Level 8 Nov 12, 2019

I teach geology and casually collect minerals.

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