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Any Welsh in the US in the group?

Lanx 4 July 8
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Hard to find Welsh people anywhere. I am always looking. Born and bred in Cardiff and the hiraeth is always pulling me home.

CeliaVL Level 7 July 9, 2018

The hiraeth is definitely strong. It's something only another Welsh person can understand


Why? Lost and trying to find your way back to Pontypridd?
? Sorry could resist, I'm stressed out to the max atm and this is one way to my relief!

FrayedBear Level 9 July 8, 2018

Llanelli girl here

@Lanx And living in Lancaster USA? Hence the site name? I could not figure it out this morning ... amazing what removal of stress does.

@Josephine g'day owzya goin? I haven't seen you recently?

@Josephine you live in Llanelli? I haven't been there since January 2017

@FrayedBear Yup, Welsh and living in America

@Josephine I miss Pembrey sooooooo bad. PA is nowhere near the beach

@Josephine surprised that you're not still having to use carrier pigeons. Are the phones still connected by an operator plugging a wire in to a board? We've only just gone on to automated circuitry... that's where they have phone access. ?

@Josephine, @Lanx too cold! Never go in unless it is hotter sea than 20°C or 30°C air temperature! Got soft about 25 years ago. Laugh when I recall sunbaking on the roof at the end of March in Lancashire.

@Josephine sounds beautiful. I haven't been to Wales since I worked in Prestatyn for the day ... probably before you were a twinkle in your Da's eye Geraldine...nope just checked your page and you may have even been running in romper suit! The bays down Llanelli way are very similar on first sight to NSW here in Australia ... I think that is why it is name so. However even given the effect of the Gulf Stream it is no longer warm enough for me to swim in ((((?))))((((?))))((((?))))((((?)))) - emojis of me going into your 'warm' sea!

@Josephine 25 centigrade water temperature? Have they got a volcano going off upstream?

@Josephine You didnt read my reply properly. It says minimum 30°C air temp. Im still wearing woolies at 25! You, you case of fruit - peaches of course ??

@Josephine Nice photo but it looks cold. I've just put a couple up on my page of the mountains - now they were not warm yesterday at about 14°C, but it is winter.

@Josephine last summer getting into my car standing in the drive in the sun it was a pleasant warm 70°C or 158°F. I had to put the a/c on by opening the window and flog the donkey a little to get it to move a bit faster to increase the airflow. But in dry heat it is no problem. It's the disgusting high humidity of Queensland and Northern NSW that I cannot stand or breathe in!
Rather than sunscreen try long sleeved shirts that are four sizes too large - like 4XL when you take a L, baggy shorts, a comfortable broad brimmed hat, blockout on your face particularly nose, eyes and ears, protect the back of your neck with a towelling scarf that you keep wet so that the water evaporates to give you evaporative cooling, and keep all exposed skin well moisturised - I like coconut oil as I don't mind the flavour and it is naturally antiseptic/ antifungal. The oversized garment allows air to circulate whilst keeping your skin shade - provided that the material doesnt let the UV through.

@Josephine Do not give a rat's rear end for what others think - they will not look admiringly at you if you have had chunks of ear & nose removed or Olympus Mons sized craters excised from your cheeks or anywhere else in order to remove melanomas that you survive.

@Josephine good. Having lived amongst women who have usually destroyed their skin in childhood but then made sure by adult carelessness, desire for suntan and through smoking so that they frequently end up with leathery lizard or crocodile skin to go with their turkey wattles by the time they are 45! It is is quite ugly to remove their knickers and find virtual baby skin on their bottoms - sometimes quite scary to turn them over. In comparison to European women ...

@Josephine your spell check left out the "r" by the way.

@Josephine Lol, Scared of women in burkas or women turned over and looking like lizards? ?????

@Josephine both?????️???????

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