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Any takers

Moravian 8 Oct 17
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Red_Cat Level 7 Apr 29, 2024

I would imagine that all copies have now been pulped but she has just written another book called "Ten years to save the west". From what I wonder ?. Her weird and wonderful ideas on the economy possibly.


Her words are sounding more and more "Hollow".

Mcflewster Level 8 Oct 20, 2022

It is amazing to think that she was as a teenager (presumably) of the same political thoughts as parents i.e. labour. I feel for them now. Then she was a lib dem.

I think she would get her respect back by reverting to her early years and help Keir Starmer over what Conservative BAS&&Ds to keep an eye on,

Mcflewster Level 8 Oct 18, 2022

Only is I run out of toilet paper and the situation is dire

But remember to take the cover off and dump it before you get home.


Says it all really…the cut price Maggie Thatcher isn’t even someone you can give away never mind sell!

Can't compare them really. Maggie was dangerous because she had a brain: This one is because she hasn't. Or are you implying that some of the the Tories are voodoo practitioners?

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Posted by MoravianTory Corruption ?

Posted by MoravianA Tory Christmas carol

Posted by MoravianAny takers

Posted by MattHardyA Boris promise is just a lie that hasn't happened yet. Whatever Sue Grey says, no way is Boris going to admit he lied and resign.

Posted by MoravianJacob Rees Mogg is one of my least favourite people in the world.

Posted by MoravianBoris certainly has his finger on the pulse

Posted by webspider555No trump to take the spotlight off him now

Posted by MannanWhat do you think.....?hahaha

Posted by McflewsterEVERY BORIS SPEECH []

Posted by MoravianPolitics in the UK

Posted by webspider555All set to go well with the vaccination roll out

Posted by webspider555Vaccine already in production

Posted by webspider555If Boris is mentioned then I cannot rule out it being true

Posted by HawkeyeNew to this group, thanks for having me :) Thought I would share something that has had my poor wee atheist brain turning for a few days (the article is a few days old).

Posted by McflewsterWhere Religion ,Monarchy and Private Education meet. Taken from the Book "BOY" by Roald Dahl "Tales of Childhood" []

Posted by webspider555I’m beginning to wonder whether our government is just incompetent or are all these things happening just to get us in a rage arguing amongst ourselves.

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