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Where Religion ,Monarchy and Private Education meet. Taken from the Book "BOY" by Roald Dahl "Tales of Childhood"


Mcflewster 8 June 23
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This brings back some horrible memories of my old headmaster. I was unfortunate enough to be sent to a very exclusive private/public school (never understood that bit). This was the early 80s though the school seemed be stuck in a much earlier decade. We had to go in on Saturdays ffs! The headmaster taughty the sky fairy lessons and was quick to use physical punishment to any bit who could repeat the chosen bible passage from memory. Still, I never memorised any, suffered the beatings and was glad when told I was disruptive and wasnt welcome back for the last 2 years 🙂

Salo Level 7 June 23, 2020

Yep, my experience of education in Britain was just like that, if not as dramatic. Only a state school, but certainly shabby Christian bigots, happily lying there heads off, for easy promotion.

Fernapple Level 9 June 23, 2020

This reminds me of one of my favorite series based on a book titled: "To Serve Them all My Days." [] It was about 2 headmasters who were unconventional and the later one was temporarily replaced by one described above. Seem in England private schoos are dubbed 'public'.

JackPedigo Level 9 June 23, 2020

This must be Geoffrey Fisher he’s talking about...nothing at all surprising, either in his meteoric rise to the ecclesiastical heights or that he liked thrashing young there? Patronage and hypocrisy my dear boy, what else do you expect?

Marionville Level 10 June 23, 2020

Is this factual, or one of Roald Dahl's stories ?

Moravian Level 8 June 23, 2020


@Marionville Thanks

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Posted by McflewsterWhere Religion ,Monarchy and Private Education meet. Taken from the Book "BOY" by Roald Dahl "Tales of Childhood" []

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