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I live near a lake that is a regional vacation spot, normally the place is vacant this time of year, but since the bug hit. We've been swamped with tourists, and today I drove by what is normally an empty RV park that was overflowing with rednecks from all over the country, who were all outside congregating very closely , having a huge party. These morons don't even know they are in the middle of the epicenter of one of the state's largest outbreak( and a number of deaths) all stemming from a bunch of Christians who refused to stay away from church.. one really has to wonder what these people are thinking.

wolf041 7 Apr 25
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> .. one really has to wonder what these people are thinking.

They are thinking? What's-a-matter you?


We've had protest demonstrations at the state capitol in Olympia from the same kind of morons, no masks, no social distancing, and they have filed a number of lawsuits against the governor for "infringing their rights". I can hardly wait until the virus wrecks havoc with them; karma is a bitch.


They may just be skeptical of the "plandemic" and figure they might as well have fun. I guess we'll see.

Janus819 Level 7 Apr 27, 2020

The bunch that brought the bug into the state followed that line of thinking when they couldn't stay away from New Orleans and Gulfport. The disease spread followed the roads back.

@wolf041 How are the hospitals handling it? Is the curve flat enough there?

@Janus819 so far they aren't overloaded, but they had time to prepare before it hit here and they already had cleared out any non essential procedures... add to that the fact this is trump land and most would sooner die in their back yard than show up at the hospital sick and possibly make fearless leader look bad 😜


This might be a good thing...

Robecology Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

Might have something to do with the mixed messages they seem to be getting from the authorities over there? Such a shame some areas got hit bad and quickly 🙁

The reality here is the numbers are far higher than reported due to the fact that they just began actually testing people with symptoms last week
Before that, they were only testing people on deaths door who were in the high risk group ( unless you happened to have enough cash on hand to pay full price for a test )

@wolf041 it’s been the same here. It’s been priority to find out about those already quite ill, rather than testing everyone and running out of testing kits.
Also some deaths aren’t reported straight away.

@girlwithsmiles in this state. They weren't even testing those with symptoms. Or ordering them to quarantine. My daughter has a friend who was turned away at the hospital ( not even remotely crowded at that point) and had to go privately and pay out of pocket time ( well over $1000 , our wonderful 'mercan insurance wouldnt cover it ) to find out he was positive and had to ride out a nasty case without any medical intervention.

@wolf041 people weren’t tested in the uk for months either, only if they required hospitalisation, then they obviously needed to know how best to treat. But as 97% of the population will get over it it I suppose a lot of people find it’s like a bad cold, so to some extent they don’t, ‘need’ testing. If you read about Tom Hanks and his partner, (as they were good enough to share their experience), his symptoms were more like a cold , but his partner’s were like the flu, not feeling able to get out of bed to go to the toilet etc. But they both got over it - hooray. If breathing becomes laboured, just like a normal medical condition, that’s when the extra care comes in.
I understand it would be nice to be tested, but in a pandemic it comes down to need, and with a large population you have prioritise those that would die without it.


I live on a lake and my Google listing for my Airbnb is the 1st listing that comes up since it is commercial, when they Google Shawnee Twin Lakes.

I average four phone calls A-day wanting to know if the Lake is open. Most people are courteous when I tell them I'm a private business but I do know that the Lake is closed including the boat ramp and both parks. Then I tell them to check the city of Shawnee Web page for the best information.

I've had a couple of smart alecs that tell me how stupid it is for the lake to be closed. I had to stop myself from telling the last one that it was actually open to anyone who would drink 16 oz of Clorox.

Lorajay Level 9 Apr 26, 2020

At the rate this bunch was going through the beer earlier, I wouldn't doubt it if they have moved on to chasing it with Clorox .


They aren't thinking....that's the issue.


we'll see if they pay a price

TheDoubter Level 9 Apr 25, 2020
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