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It's no secret that the religion of Islam has long been an advocate for slavery. There are Muslim countries today that slavery is well accepted. Hell, even their prophet Muhammad owned and traded slaves. So does that mean people will soon be petitioning to close Mosques around the country? []

Captain_Feelgood 8 June 22
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So because some muslim nations around the world allow some regions to hold or sell slaves, that means people around Murica will start petitioning to close Mosques?? Dafuq? Where's the logic in that?? Unless you are a wyte supremacist, islamaphobe extremist, then yea makes sense to those types.


I don’t know, the bible certainly also has instructions on the keeping of slaves, why differentiate?

Look at his replies to me... Apparently he meant to talk about protesters taking down confederate monunents and statues... Strange huh? That's not even mentioned in his post 😂😜😜


religion is about insecure men dominating woman and dividing and conquering nations. all of it.


Lol don't count on it

bobwjr Level 10 June 22, 2020

Yes it does!


Typical behavior of a trump supporter... No responses when it gets hot in the kitchen... 😂😂😂 don't be scared...


"So does that mean people will soon be petitioning to close Mosques around the country?" []

Unfortunately there is no author listed. It might be Hewitt himself, but no way of knowing the credibility of the article. No author is different than an anonymous insider.

CB is correct, there was no mention of the US in the article. Your presumption to imply it would happen in the US is an attempt to minimize or deflect from the real question that is occurring presently throughout the nation. Your statement, like one I made last week, remains a bit of demagoguery.

You have a penchant to cheery pick items that appear to make your point, but in fact, when put in context do not hold up. Your motivation is clear, and is not news. You are just one more white southerner who wants to minimize the South's complicity in setting the stage for the circumstance we find ourselves in today. Again check your sources before you put thing out or at least understand what the article is talking about.

t1nick Level 8 June 22, 2020

LiveLeak background; These media sources have a slight to moderate liberal bias. They often publish factual information that utilizes loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes) to favor liberal causes. These sources are generally trustworthy for information, but may require further investigation.

Factual Reporting: HIGH

Notes: Liveleak is a video service founded by Hayden Hewitt. The content is almost exclusively user submitted videos and covers a wide range of topics from around the world. From people’s pets to Rex Tillerson’s trip to Asia. Because of the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, and the amount of video being uploaded from there, they currently have two sections dedicated to them. Due to being a video sharing service, and the videos being presented as submitted, the content can be very graphic and controversial, such as when Liveleak hosted footage of the beheading of journalist James Foley by ISIS in 2014. Mr. Hewitt has defended the practice of presenting submitted footage as is, stating in his own words:

“Look all this is happening, this is real life, this is going on, and we’re going to show it.”

While Liveleak has a video content-sharing agreement with Ruptly, state-run Russia

Today’s video service, the overall content is apolitical. They do sponsor a live interview/call-in show which, again, covers a broad range of topics. Mr. Hewitt himself does have a left bias on the live show, but it does not carry over to the site’s content and is more editorial in nature. Therefore we rate Liveleak Left-Center based on editorial content. (D. Kelley 3/16/2017)


t1nick Level 8 June 22, 2020

Oh I am not sure that is correct. You are bundling home owner and auto here. As with jesus nuts, these are the orthodox , the ones that believe the scriptures. I confidently state that Muslims are good people as are most of us. To put every one in a box is acting like orange cakes.

EMC2 Level 8 June 22, 2020

I am thinking that you are planning on going to war?

Spinliesel Level 9 June 22, 2020

Good grief no... I'm not planning on any such thing, just pointing out a bit of hypocrasy is all.. 🙄😄👍


"So does that mean people will soon be petitioning to close Mosques around the country?"

Why close Mosques ? Just call for an end to slavey, not an end to islam...

Slavery was ended here long ago.

"There are Muslim countries today that slavery is well accepted."

Aren't we talking about Muslum countries... ? That's what your post states...

@Cutiebeauty Ahh,, I see your (fake) confussion. No, of course I'm talking about this country. Muslum countries are not going around tearing down anything that reminds them of their history of slavery in their country. This country is. I know you're smarter than that CB... 🙄

"It's no secret that the religion of Islam has long been an advocate for slavery. There are Muslim countries today that slavery is well accepted. "

Here you talk about Islam, slavery, Muslim countries... Nothing about the USA... Nothing about monuments... No confussion (sic) on my part...

"Hell, even their prophet Muhammad owned and traded slaves. So does that mean people will soon be petitioning to close Mosques around the country?"

Here you talk prophet Muhammad, slaves again, and closing mosques around the country.

Again, no mention of the USA or confedarate monuments or statues... Still no confusion on my part...Maybe next time say what you mean in the op... Surely you're smart enough to that...

@Cutiebeauty Well I'll be damned... maybe you're not smarter than that.. My bad! 😄👍 Funny, nobody else here thought I was asking if other countries would be closing mosques. Your statement "Why close Mosques ? Just call for an end to slavey, not an end to islam... " shows you knew what I was saying. It would be rediculous to ask if they would be closing mosques or ending islam in muslim countries... Stop trolling CB.. It's beneath you. ✌😒

@Captain_Feelgood Is'nt it funny that i made the first reply, and after you clarified your poorly written post, by commenting to me, suddenly everyone else, all two of them, now understand... 😂😂😂 come on mini trump, just admit you are not well versed in the written word and that you can't express your thoughts very well... That's actually no surprise to me.... You're kinda dense... Typical trump speak... Always question soneones intelligence when you mess up😂😂😂


"Funny, nobody else here thought I was asking if other countries would be closing mosques."

Umm. .. Learn how to read... There are only two other replies here... And... No. Body. Mentioned. Countries. At. All... Fake news? 😭😂 you're just fabricating non existant evidence... Take a logic course and reading comprehension!😂😂

@Cutiebeauty Mmmm,,, no. You didn't try to make a 'different country' argument untill your second coment, at which point EMC and Spin had already commented.. Now you're just lying. I really hate liars, especially ones that follow up with ad hominems... I got straight Bs in my English classes at NCSU, but I certainly don't claim to have or use perfect english. And I find your attempt to embarass me with low brow complaints of how I write very sophomoric. I've grown accustomed to that from you though. It's a sure sign you know I'm right, and you just hate to admit it... That's okay, I'll be the bigger one here. I could spend time correcting your sentence structure, spelling and grammar if I thought it would make a difference in your ability to convey your thoughts, but it wouldn't. I'm growing tired of your worthless bickering. We're done here. 😎👍 And trust me, when you sees the sunglasses and thumbs up, you can rest assured I won't be reading anymore of your drivel here, much less responding. Have a nice day.


"Ahh,, I see your (fake) confussion.

I know you're smarter than that CB..."

Ahh .ad hominems.....

Are you a fucking moron, private feelnothing?


"And trust me, when you sees the sunglasses and thumbs up, you can rest assured I won't be reading anymore of your drivel here, much less responding. Have a nice day."

Woohoo! Waving the white flag! Surrender! Just like the confederates! Whee!!:

@Captain_Feelgood perhaps you would like to read this article about slavery in contemporary United States: []
Unfortunately a law doesn’t mean people comply 😟

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