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When I first crawl out of bed, I'm operating in serious fog. Don't trust me to make the coffee. Therefore I was delighted to find a coffee maker that I could set up to go off every morning -- five minutes before I crawl out of bed. Walk up to the coffee pot and the coffee has already been brewed for me, no wait, no fuss. It's a convoluted procedure to make it do that but once it's set up, setting it up the for the next morning is a breeze -- especially after I've drunk the coffee.

Major problem: we don't have a stable electric grid. Get up in the morning and find the electric clocks are blinking because in the middle of the night, the power blinked.

WonderWartHog99 8 July 7
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I am much like you in the morning...I have used a programmable coffee pot for years. The only downside is the weekend when I have no idea when I will be waking, but then the upside of the weekend is not needing to be up at the asscrack of dawn. It sure does go a long way toward helping me get through the work week a.m. fog. One of the best things ever created.

Amzungu Level 8 July 8, 2020

The small joys 😊


Love my Mr Coffee..

I want a wake up timer on the espresso machine.


we have become so spoiled my daughter loves those coffee machines too

I refuse to buy a one cup coffee machine

One cup coffee machines and their plastic cups are a major source of waste.

@Theresa_N i agree all those little plastic things

@Theresa_N, @WonderWartHog99 hers makes a whole pot

@whiskywoman I hesitate to calculate how much money my espresso machine has saved me over a visit to Starbucks, order one ounce at a time until I get an eight ounce coffee mug's worth.

@WonderWartHog99 I don't get the starbucks thing at all in fact I don't drink coffee it smells so good brewing and tastes like hot nasty no matter what I add to help ug

@whiskywoman Starbucks has other beverages and snacks.

The larger deal is like a pub, the point is to meet other people or possibly use their internet to catch up on work.

@WonderWartHog99 for an exorbitant price

@whiskywoman Unless you slug down three fancy Dan coffees per visit and order the pastries, it's under $10 a for a typical visit. Comes with comfortable furniture. No worse than a pig out at McDonald's.

McDonald's designers uses color schemes and furniture that tells their customers to eat quickly and leave. The original McDonald's didn't have a dinning room.

@WonderWartHog99 many think the way you do so it works and I remember mc d way back

@whiskywoman On the whole people are snobbish about eating at Mc D's. They do it. They don't want to admit it. That's why the drive through window is always busy.

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