9 0

45 is saying it may be wise. To withhold elections come November 3rd. Making the claim that it'll be safer, and it'll prevent a foreign government (Russia, China). From interfering in that election. So, if you're either Republican or Democrat. What's your take on this? I'm personally not a fan of 45. Never have been and never will be. But this isn't about partisan politics here. It's about his even hinting at the idea of postponing the election (he can't by the way). Where do people stand on this idea? Remember to keep the talk civil.

DaneintheUS 6 July 30
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Trump has mentioned this before, not very subtly by the way. "how about 12" or "i'd hesitate to give up the presidency" 
TheDoubter Level 9 Oct 24, 2020

An excuse to keep himself in power. Putin would love it. Its too bad we won't see his tax records. Would like to see who underwrote his 2 billion dollar loans from Deutsche Bank.

Trod Level 5 Aug 7, 2020

Hypocrisy. He wants to delay the election but not the opening of schools?

Oh...and if he manages to succeed in delaying past 1/20/21, Nancy Pelosi will become president.

Robecology Level 9 July 31, 2020

he doesn't have the power congress does but he has some backers but I don't think he can swing the votes he will need now if he wants to do it now and get out that would be something different
he is gonna take every state to court regardless


We were so badly in need of someone to remind us to be civil.

brentan Level 8 July 30, 2020

he makes it so hard when he flaunts the law and commits crimes daily

@whiskywoman Yes of course. I wasn't talking about Trump.


He doesn't want to be seen as losing anything.


This angers me so much my eyes almost bleed reading it. He needs to be educated in re to the Rule of Law.

MizJ Level 8 July 30, 2020

postponement is a ploy by Trump

TheDoubter Level 9 July 30, 2020

The timing of the end of the reality TV show they call elections doesn't bother me one way or another. If not this year, in 2024 they'll replace this fairly establishment supporting president with an even worse one. Either way, there's no point telling the ruling class whether I prefer Hitler or Stalin. I refuse to fall for their trap in supporting the "lesser" of two evils when they just keep presenting worse and worse as options. Even JJ ❤ has already had her Aleppo moment in the sense of something that will be used to divide her supporters. I expect to see the United States of Apathy again if not worse.

Janus819 Level 7 July 30, 2020
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